- Docente: Mirko Viroli
- Credits: 9
- Language: Italian
- Moduli: Mirko Viroli (Modulo 1) Sara Montagna (Modulo 2)
- Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
- Campus: Cesena
- Corso: First cycle degree programme (L) in Biomedical Engineering (cod. 0946)
Course contents
Theoretical Computer Science. The concept of computing
machine and algorithmic computation. Formal grammars as tool to
describe syntax of data and programs. Main result of classic
computer science theory: automata, recursive functions, Church's
thesis, Goedel incompleteness. Programming Languages.
Evaluation of Expressions. Concepts of value, data type,
operator, and expression. Primitive types in Java, strings and
arrays, their operators. Compilation and interpretation schemata.
Abstract Syntax Tree, typing and expression evaluation.
Functional Programming. The functional abstraction:
motivation, syntax, main typing and evaluation aspects. Recursion
and algorithms to access sequences. Engineering functions: analysis
and design. Designing signature, test function, implementation
schemata: recursion and composition.
Imperative and Structured Programming. Assignment, variables
and statements. Constructs for structured programming. Main typing,
syntax, and evaluation aspects. Iterative algorithms to elaborate
sequences. Activation record. Omparing recursive and iterative
algorithms. Tail recursion. Assignments and arrays:
Procedural and Modular Programming. The Java class as a
module. Global variables and initialization. Access modifiers.
Packages and usage of Java library. Java Development Kit.
Programming with Abstract Data Types. Java objects:
constructors, methods, fields. Syntax, typing, evaluation. Run-time
management. ADTS and their implementation as objects. Implementing
data structures in Java.
Elements of Object-Oriented Programming. Classes, objects,
methods and fields. Inheritance. Java Libraries.
Programming in the C language. Data structures in C. Arrays
and pointers. Input/Output. Compiling C programs.
Informatica teorica e Programmazione
* Ceri, Mandrioli, Sbattella. “Informatica: arte
e mestiere”, McGraw Hill
* Aho, Ullman. “Fondamenti di Informatica”,
Zanichelli, Ghezzi, Mandrioli.
* “Informatica Teorica”, CLUP, Milano,
* “Java2: i Fondamenti”, McGraw-Hill (Sun
Microsystems Press), 1999
* “Java Language Specification”, McGraw-Hill
(Sun), can be downloaded through:
* Goodrich, Tamassia, "Strutture dati e
algoritmi in Java", Zanichelli
* Bellini, Guidi. "Linguaggio C: guida alla
programmazione", McGraw-Hill
* Deitel, Deitel. "C: How to Program", Pearson
International Edition
Teaching methods
7 hours of lesson per week, typically 4/5 in the teaching room and
2/3 in the lab
Assessment methods
Written test on Java and C programming in lab
Quiz-based theory test on all the course topic
Teaching tools
Slides projected during the lessons, published on the web
Software: Java Development Kit, GNU C Compiler (GCC)
Links to further information
Office hours
See the website of Mirko Viroli
See the website of Sara Montagna