Healthcare and medical treatment in Bologna

If you study at the University of Bologna and living away from home, you can rely on some dedicated services to assist you if needed.

Financial Support for Healthcare Expenses for Non-Resident Students

The University of Bologna has allocated a fund of € 409,500 to provide financial support for the healthcare expenses of non-resident students (fuori sede) enrolled for the 2024/25 a.y. in first cycle, second cycle and single cycle degree programmes.

The contributions will be as follows:

  • €1,000 for non-EU citizens;
  • €500 for Italian or EU citizens.

To apply for this funding, you should submit your application through Studenti Online by 3:00 PM on 30 January 2025.

In the coming months, there will be a further call for applications for non-resident students (fuori sede) enrolled in PhD Programmes and Specialization Schools.

Contact details for general information on the service

Assistance from a general practitioner

What it covers

The service allows you to contact a doctor (also called a GP or family doctor) for medical assistance.

Who it’s for

Italian students from outside Bologna, EU and non-EU students (exchange students, international students).

How it works

  • Italian citizens: can choose a temporary general practitioner for the duration of their studies, as an alternative to their doctor from their home town. For information on how to request this, visit the website of the Azienda USL Bologna.
  • EU and non-EU citizens: if enrolled in the National Health Service they can register with a general practitioner for the duration of their enrolment. Alternatively, one can see a general practitioner through their health insurance policy or via other arrangements. Full information can be found at medical assistance for international students.

Other medical assistance services for international students

European Union (EU) or non-European Union (non-EU) students can find further information on dedicated services on the medical assistance for international students page.

Emergency assistance

You can always make use of the services available to everyone

Bologna Emergency Department

Telephone: dial 118 to call an ambulance. Available 24/7, including national holidays.

If necessary, you can go directly to the Emergency Department:

  • Sant’Orsola-Malpighi Hospital, via Albertoni 15, Bologna
  • Maggiore Hospital, Largo Nigrisoli 2, Bologna.

Night or Weekend Medical Emergencies - call the Guardia Medica (Out of hours Doctor)

Telephone: 051 3131, from 20:00 to 8:00 on weekdays; from 10:00 on Saturdays or the day before a holiday to 8:00 on Monday or the first working day after the holiday.

Dental emergencies

Telephone: 051 3172721 from Monday to Friday from 11:00 to 13:00.

If necessary, you can go directly to the Dental Emergency Department:
“Beretta” Dentistry and Stomatology Practice at Maggiore Hospital, Largo Nigrisoli 2, Bologna. 
For emergencies, the limited number of appointments available will be assigned between Monday and Friday, at 7:30 and 13:30; Saturdays and the day before a holiday at 7:30. 
Opening Hours: Monday to Friday, 8:30-12:30 and 14:00-16:00; Saturday, 8:30-12:00; National Holidays, 8:00-13:00.

Single European emergency number




Fire Brigade

