If you are graduating or recently graduate, please read carefully the University Call for expression of interest and attachments of EPO and EUIPO.
The candidate who submits his/her expression of interest for EUIPO can't submit an expression of interest also for EPO and vice versa.
To participate:
- You must submit your request to the University through Studenti online - Calls within 29 February 2024, 01.00 p.m. CET.
The University deliver two lists of candidates potentially able to carry out the internship, one for EPO and one for EUIPO.
The inclusion in the university list doesn’t imply that the internship has been assigned: the final assessment will be done by EPO and EUIPO. - If you have been included in the University shortlist, you must submit your application on the website of:
You can submit your application until 15 March 2024 only if you have been selected by the University. - EUIPO
You can submit your application until 31 March 2024 only if you have been selected by the University (Candidates for EUIPO must be from the current academic year and must graduate before the start of the traineeship in September).