Academic calendar

The academic calendar shows the religious and non-religious holidays on which teaching activities do not take place, and the Christmas and Easter activity breaks.

Academic calendar for the 2024/25 a.y.

Download the academic calendar [.pdf 160 KB]

Main deadlines by type of degree programme for the 2024/25 a.y.

Deadlines for first cycle, second cycle and single cycle degree programmes

Matriculation in first cycle and single cycle degree programmes without restricted access

  • Ordinary Deadline: 25 July – 26 September 2024, unless indicated otherwise in the calls for applications and in any case by 21 November 2024
  • Deadline with payment of late enrolment fee: 27 September - 21 November 2024, unless an exception is granted for the reasons expressed in the proposal
  • Deadline to obtain the secondary school diploma abroad for conditional matriculation: 30 December 2024
  • Deadline to complete the matriculation: 28 February 2025, in the case of further requirements in addition to the payment of fees
  • Deadline for completion of additional learning requirements: 31 March 2026
  • Deadline for passing the Italian language exam for Chinese students in the Marco Polo programme: 30 December 2024

Matriculation in first cycle and single cycle degree programmes with restricted access

  • The deadlines set by the calls (including unallocated places) and in any case by 21 November 2024
  • Deadline to obtain the secondary school diploma abroad for conditional matriculation: 30 December 2024
  • Deadline to complete the matriculation: 28 February 2025, in the case of further requirements in addition to the payment of fees and with the exclusion of degree programmes with restricted access at national level
  • Deadline for completion of additional learning requirements: 31 March 2026
  • Deadline for passing the Italian language exam for Chinese students in the Marco Polo programme: 30 December 2024, without prejudice to any other provisions contained in the notices of admission to degree programmes with restricted access at national level

Matriculation in second cycle degree programmes without restricted access

  • Ordinary Deadline: 25 July – 29 October 2024 (unless indicated otherwise in the calls for applications and in any case by 21 November 2024)
  • Deadline with payment of late enrolment fee: 30 October - 21 November 2024, unless an exception is granted for the reasons expressed in the proposal
  • Deadline to obtain the first cycle degree for conditional matriculation: 30 December 2024
  • Deadline to complete the matriculation: 28 February 2025, in the case of further requirements in addition to the payment of fees
  • Deadline for passing the Italian language exam for Chinese students in the Marco Polo programme: 30 December 2024

Matriculation in second cycle degree programmes with restricted access

  • The deadlines set by the calls (including unallocated places) and in any case by 21 November 2024
  • Deadline to obtain the first cycle degree for conditional matriculation: 30 December 2024
  • Deadline to complete the matriculation: 28 February 2025, in the case of further requirements in addition to the payment of fees and with the exclusion of degree programmes with restricted access at national level
  • Deadline for passing the Italian language exam for Chinese students in the Marco Polo programme: 30 December 2024

Application for the final examination - Ordinary deadlines and deadlines with payment of late enrolment fee

The Department Board, having heard the Degree Programme Boards, the Faculty-Student Joint Committee and the relevant School, if any, and having heard the opinion of the relevant offices, jointly determines:

  • the calendar of the final examinations;
  • the deadline to apply for the final examination, which must be set after an interval of at least 20 days from the deadline for the requirements. Applications for the final examination may be accepted within no less than 4 days after the deadline for the requirements, subject to paying a special fee;
  • the deadline to obtain the administration requirements needed to be admitted to the final examination for each exam session, which must be set after an interval of at least 20 days from the date of the exam session itself, and any further requirements.

Submission of applications for recognition of credits from previous or simultaneous study careers and applications for recognition of credits pursuant to Article 7(4) of the University Teaching Regulations

Applications for the recognition of credits from previous, completed study careers: 25 July - 28 November 2024, except for degree programmes with restricted access at national level:
after 28 November 2024 together with matriculation.
Applications for recognition of credits in the case of simultaneous enrolment in two degree programmes: 25 July – 28 November 2024.
In the event of simultaneous enrolment in two degree programmes, those who intend to obtain their qualification in academic year. 2023/2024 or 2024/2025 and to request recognition of the credits earned on the other degree programme, must submit their application at least 60 days before the administrative deadline for admission to the final exam.
In the case of recognition of university credits obtained pursuant to Article 7(4) of the University Teaching Regulations: the application must be submitted at least 60 days before the administrative deadline for admission to the final exam.

Enrolment in years following the first for first, second or single cycle degree programmes

  • Ordinary Deadline: 25 July – 26 September 2024
  • Deadline with payment of late enrolment fee: 27 September – 21 November 2024
  • Deadline with penalty fee after the deadline with payment of late enrolment fee: from 22 November 2024 to 25 September 2025.

Enrolment for part-time students

  • Deadline: from 25 July to 28 November 2024, unless an exception is granted for the reasons expressed in the proposal.

Enrolment in individual learning activities

25 July 2024 - 24 April 2025, compatibly with the calendar of the lectures of the programmes chosen.

Late applications can be accepted until 24 July 2025 for individual training activities for the awarding of credits needed to participate in competition classes.

Based on the resolution of the Board of Governors of 25 September 2012, exceptions can be made to the general rule that “the exam cannot be taken before the end of the relevant programme, in relation to the year of enrolment” only in the event that enrolment in newly introduced degree programmes of a higher level, whose admission rules were not previously known, requires the acquisition of credits in specific subject areas that were not mentioned in the teaching regulation of the degree programmes of origin.

Transfers to other universities

25 July – 30 December 2024, unless an exception is granted for the reasons expressed in the proposal.

An exception to the 30 December 2024 deadline can be made if the destination programmes have restricted access, and only in the case of unallocated places.

Transfers from other universities

First cycle and single cycle degree programmes:

  • Ordinary deadline: from 25July to 26 September 2024
  • Deadline with late enrolment fee: from 27 September to 21 November 2024

Second cycle degree programmes:

  • Ordinary deadline: from 25 July to 29 October 2024
  • Deadline with late enrolment fee: from 30 October to 21 November 2024
  • In all cases, the different deadlines contained in the notices, which may not exceed 21 November 2024, are unaffected, except for the notices of degree programmes with restricted access at national level.

Changing degree programme at the University of Bologna and Opting for new degree programme systems

25 July - 21 November 2024 and subject to enrolment in the new a.y. in the degree programme of origin.

This does not prejudice:

  1. different provisions contained in the admission notices of the destination programmes, which must in any case meet the final deadline of 21 November 2024;
  2. any exceptions granted for the reasons expressed in the proposal;
  3. the provisions contained in the notices of admission to degree programmes with restricted access at national level.

Individual study plans and activities of choice

Departments may decide on the submission of individual study plans and applications for elective educational activities (including those involving changes to the elective educational activities already in the student's plan and even if the relevant examinations have already been taken) either in one go with final deadline on 21 November 2024 or in several goes:

  • one with an ordinary deadline, by the matriculation deadline of 21 November 2024; 
  • the others beyond the 21 November 2024 deadline, to end in time to participate in learning activities; the suggested time is during the break between the different lecture cycles.

In any case, the deadline of the first window must be after the ordinary deadline to enrol in years following the first (26 September 2024).

PhD programme degree deadlines

PhD programme degree academic year calendar

  • 1 November 2024 - Start of degree programmes - 39th cycle
  • 31 October 2024 - PhD programme - 37th cycle: deadline for submission of the thesis on PhD Thesis Review
  • 16 December 2024 - PhD programme - 37th cycle: deadline to transmit the evaluations to PhD students - ordinary session
  • 31 January 2024 - PhD programme - 36th cycle: deadline for submission of the thesis on PhD Thesis Review for PhD students who have not requested career extensions.
  • 13 February 2025 - PhD programme - 37th cycle: deadline to submit the thesis on AMSDottorato for PhD students - ordinary session - admitted in the first intake to the final exam
  • 15 February 2025 - PhD programme - 36th cycle: end of final examination period for PhD students admitted in the second intake
  • 15 March 2025 - PhD programme - 37th cycle: start of final exam period for PhD students admitted in the first intake
  • 15 April 2024 - PhD programme - 37th cycle: end of final examination period for PhD students admitted in the first intake
  • 15 June 2024 - PhD programme - 37th cycle: deadline for the submission of the thesis on PhD Thesis Review for PhD students whose evaluators postponed the public dissertation to the second intake - ordinary session
  • 30 September 2024 - PhD programme - 37th cycle: deadline to upload the thesis on AMSDottorato for PhD students admitted in the second intake

Deadlines for Specialisation Schools in the Medical Area

Matriculations in specialisation schools in the medical area

The date will be indicated in the next call for applications for the 2023/24 a.y., as established by MIUR.

Enrolment in years following the first for specialisation schools in the medical area

Matriculations a.y. 2022/2023 (contract starting 1/11 of every year)

  • First instalment 31/10/2024
  • Second instalment 02/05/2025
  • Third instalment 30/06/2025

Matriculations a.y. 2021/2022 (contract starting 1/11of every year)

  • first instalment 31/01/2024
  • Second instalment 02/05/2024
  • Third instalment 30/06/2025

Matriculations a.y. 2020/2021 (contract starting 1/11of every year)

  • first instalment 31/01/2024
  • Second instalment 02/05/2025
  • Third instalment 30/06/2025

Matriculations a.y. 2019/2020 (contract starting 25/01 of every year)

  • First instalment 27/01/2025
  • Second instalment 02/05/2025
  • Third instalment 30/06/2025

The deadlines for the first, second and third instalment may vary in the event of recuperations that affect the start of the academic year and the contract.

Transfers to other universities 

Applications must be submitted in the period between 120 and 90 days before the end date of the year of study, according to the annual calendar set by the Offices.
In the cases in which the year of study starts/ends on different dates to those established by MIUR, for each cohort of matriculations applications must be submitted in the period between 120 and 90 days before the end date of the relevant year of study.

Transfers from other universities 

Applications must be submitted in the period between 120 and 90 days before the end date of the year of study, according to the annual calendar set by the Offices.
In the cases in which the year of study starts/ends on different dates to those established by MIUR, for each cohort of matriculations applications must be submitted in the period between 120 and 90 days before the end date of the relevant year of study.

Application for admission to the final examination

The dates for the final examination are set annually by the Department Boards, having heard the Specialisation School Boards and the Faculty-Student Joint Committee.
The first exam date must take place within 15 days of the end of the year of study; the second exam date must be at least 15 days after the first (Article 53 of the Regulations on specialisation schools).
The Offices shall define, for each cohort and in line with the date of completion of the programme, the deadline for submitting the diploma application and the deadline to obtain the administration requirements needed to be admitted to the final examination for each exam session, based on the criteria established by the Board of Governors on 27/1/2015.
Diploma applications may be accepted up to the date of completion of the programme/contract, subject to paying a special fee.

Transfers abroad

Applications for transfers abroad must be submitted according to the annual calendar set by the Offices.

Recognition of previous study careers

To be admitted to Specialisation Schools via national calls for applications, specialising doctors can apply for the recognition of previous study careers (both in Italy and abroad), within 30 days from the start of the teaching activities.

Deadlines for Specialisation Schools in non Medical Area

Matriculation of successful candidates

The mandatory deadline will be indicated in the relevant calls for applications.

Unallocated places

The mandatory deadline will be indicated in the relevant calls for applications. 

Enrolment in years following the first

  • First instalment by 21 October 2024
  • Second and third instalment as per the Regulations for student tuition fees for first cycle, second cycle and single cycle degree programmes

After this date, late enrolments are accepted subject to the payment of a late enrolment fee.

Transfers to other universities, for years following the first

By 23 December 2024.

Transfers from other universities, for the same school, for years following the first as long as the regulations governing the degree programme are the same

By 29 November 2024, except for the Specialisation Schools in the Law and Veterinary Medicine Areas, which assess incoming transfer applications early (in September) and decide on admission before the beginning of lectures.

Study plans (where applicable)

Within 30 days of the matriculation date.

Choice of optional or guidance courses

Within 90 days of the matriculation date.
Note: The deadlines for the 2024/25 a.y. are applicable to the 2023/24 a.y. for the following Schools:

  • Medical Genetics (Specialisation School in the Health Area with double access, for the programme dedicated to non-medical graduates)
  • Microbiology and Virology (Specialisation School in the Health Area with double access, for the programme dedicated to non-medical graduates)
  • Hospital Pharmacy
  • Medical Physics
  • Oral Surgery
  • Orthodontics