Laurea (First cycle degree/Bachelor - 180 ECTS) in Food Technology

A.Y. 2024/2025 |Cod. 8528

  • Duration

    3 years

  • Place of teaching

    Campus Cesena

  • Language


  • Degree Programme Class

    L-26 - Food Sciences

  • Type of access

    Open access with assessment of basic knowledge - TOLC-I

Why choose this programme

  1. You will acquire key skills for employment in food production, with a multidisciplinary and comprehensive approach

  2. You will come into contact with the latest research in the field of food quality and safety conducted by the programme’s teaching staff

  3. You will learn about the most important technological, microbiological, nutritional and regulatory updates in the food sphere

  4. You will gain a sound grounding in the sustainability of food production also from the perspective of a circular economy

  5. You will be able to address, on a bibliographical or experimental basis, the most advanced issues for the development of sustainable, high quality food production

When you can attend the degree programme

At the moment there are no new open day

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