If you have a bed or room in a hall (e.g. ER.GO) or other residence:
- a declaration from the administrator confirming that your place is booked.
If you pay rent for a bed, a room or an apartment:
- a copy of the rental contract, which must state your name, must be signed and must be registered with the Tax Authorities;
or, alternatively:
- a notification filed with the police confirming transfer of use (cessione di fabbricato) or provision of hospitality (comunicazione di ospitalità).
If you are staying free, as a guest, with relatives, friends or acquaintances:
- notification filed with the police confirming provision of hospitality (comunicazione di ospitalità).
The “comunicazione di ospitalità” must be:
- prepared, dated and signed by the person who gave you the accommodation;
- accompanied by a copy of the identity document of yours and the declarant and (if a non-EU citizen) a copy of their residence permit;
- accompanied by the confirmation of the delivery to the Police station (Questura).
Important! If the person who gave you accommodation has not done it yet, first you must send the “comunicazione di ospitalità” along with the copies of the identity documents to the Police station (Questura) and then attach a copy of the “comunicazione di ospitalità”, including the copies of the identity documents and the delivery confirmation, to your residence permit application.
If you live in Bologna, the delivery can be made via registered email (PEC) to dipps114.00p0@pecps.poliziadistato.it, via fax to 051/6401691 or via registered mail (raccomandata A/R) to Questura di Bologna – Ufficio Immigrazione – Via Bovi Campeggi 13/3 – 40131 Bologna.
If you live in any other campuses, contact the International Relations Office on campus or the relevant Police station (Questura) for further information.
If when you have to submit your application for the residence permit you still don't have permanent accommodation, you can notify your temporary accommodation.
For the Bologna central police station (Questura): you can also notify a reservation for a few days. After finding a definitive accommodation, you will have to update your file by notifying your new accommodation to dipps114.00p0@pecps.poliziadistato.it via PEC or normal e-mail.
Find out the useful resources for international students searching accommodation.