Tutoring grants

Tutors offer a valid point of reference for students during their university careers.

How to become a tutor

Students may apply to carry out tutorship activities as well as to use the tutorship services.

Deserving students enrolled in Degree Programmes may apply for various types of tutorships.

Find out how to apply for a tutor post, as well as the objectives, purposes and contacts.

Courses on health and safety for tutors

Before starting any activities, students must take the online courses on health and safety in study and research areas and  must provide the structure they have been assigned to with the safety courses training certificates.


Settore Diritto allo Studio - Ufficio Convenzioni per il Diritto allo Studio


Via Marsala 49/A Bologna

Virtual Help Desk

To connect, please read these instructions
Office hours (direct access)
Mondays and Tuesdays from 9:00 to 11:30

Office hours (appointments only)
Tuesday and Thursday from 14:00 to 15:30, Wednesday and Friday from 9:00 to 12:00