Excellent Science@Unibo: MSCA e ERC

European Research Council (ERC) and Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) finance projects for researchers at all stages of career and for their career development.

Unibo supports bottom-up projects in all disciplines and research fields that are funded by the European Commission under its Framework Programme for Research and Innovation, Horizon Europe. As part of the Excellent Science Pillar, ERC and MSCA funding schemes finance project for researchers at all stages of career and for their career development. ERC and MSCA support frontier research and breakthrough scientific ideas, boost mobility and training, team up the best researchers from Europe and beyond and equip researchers with outstanding skills.


Logo ERCEuropean Research Council (ERC)

The European Research Council (ERC) provides attractive and flexible funding to enable talented and creative individual researchers and their teams to pursue the most promising route at the frontier of science, trough scientific excellence.
European Research Council (ERC) funding for excellent researchers

Logo MSCAMarie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA)

The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions are the European Union’s reference programme for doctoral education and postdoctoral training. MSCA fund excellent and innovative research training as well as attractive career and knowledge-exchange opportunities through researchers’ mobility across border, sectors and disciplines.  MSCA invest in the long-term careers of excellent researchers, equipping researchers at all career stages with new knowledge and skills to prepare them to face current and future societal challenges. 
The Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) fellowships for young researchers

Support service for researchers

We give support to researchers who wish to apply for ERC and MSCA calls with the University of Bologna in the role of Host Institution. We provide support for the whole preparation process until the submission, through a specific technical and administrative assistance. ​

A well-designed and well-written proposal stands a better chance of actually being financed. Allow yourself the time and the opportunity to bring your proposal to perfection, contacting us well in advance. We can give you advice that might make the difference.

If you are planning to apply for an ERC or MSCA call, contact us. ​


Research development - Social Science and Humanities & Excellent Science Unit