Fostering Integration and Transformation for FOOD 2030


To support the European Commission in the development and implementation of the FOOD 2030 policy framework and its action plan, FIT4FOOD2030 aims to establish a sustainable multi-stakeholder, multi-level platform, mobilizing a wide variety of stakeholders at the level of cities, regions, countries, and Europe. The project will support the urgently needed transformation of research and innovation (R&I;) on food and nutrition security (FNS) by providing a network and instruments for the adoption of a food system and Responsible Research and Innovation approach to R&I.; For this purpose, FIT4FOOD2030 builds the 'FOOD2030 Platform' by developing three interlinked structures: 1) ‘EU think tank’ to act as linking pin between EC and Member States & Associated Countries; 2) ‘Policy Labs’ to increase and align public/private R&I; policies/programs on FNS, building on and expanding existing national/regional networks; and 3) ‘City Labs’ to develop/pilot action-oriented trainings for students, consumers, researchers and professionals linking Science Centres/Science Shops to networks of Milan Urban Food Policy Pact cities. These structures interact regularly, exchanging information (e.g. on food system trends, R&I; policy frameworks, best practices, breakthroughs) and plan and execute actions to support FOOD 2030. A sustainable network is achieved by using a Community of Practice (CoP) approach to network governance. FIT4FOOD2030’s activities comprise four phases: 1) actor identification/mobilization and visioning/system analysis; 2) pathways development; 3) action planning and training; and 4) scaling up and continuity. Cross-cutting components are: methodology development and transformative learning. The activities will result in the following outcomes: 1) mobilizing a diversity of actors & experts; 2) structuring and aligning R&I; policies and programs; 3) raising awareness; and 4) building competencies of students, researchers, entrepreneurs, policy-makers and society at large.

Project details

Unibo Team Leader: Francesco Capozzi

Unibo involved Department/s:
Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari
Dipartimento di Farmacia e Biotecnologie
Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati"

Stichting Vu(Netherlands)

Other Participants:
Fundacio Privada Institut De Recerca De La Sida-Caixa (Spain)
ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - Università di Bologna (Italy)
Stichting Dienst Landbouwkundig Onderzoek (Dlo Food And Biobased) (Netherlands)
Norges Forskningsrad (Norway)
EIT FOOD iVZW (Belgium)
Hogskolen I Oslo Og Akershus (Norway)
Fooddrink Europe (Belgium)
Association Europeenne Des Expositions Scientifiques, Techniques Et Industrie (Belgium)
Comune di Milano-Area Biblioteche - Unità Amministrazione, Innovazione e Sviluppo-Uff. Amministrativo (Italy)
Ait Austrian Institute Of Technology Gmbh (Austria)
European Food Information Council (Belgium)
Zorgonderzoek Nederland Zon (Netherlands)
International Life Sciences Institute European Branch Aisbl (Belgium)
Inra Cnrgv (France)

Total Eu Contribution: Euro (EUR) 3.999.998,75
Project Duration in months: 36
Start Date: 01/11/2017
End Date: 31/10/2020

Cordis webpage
Project website

Zero hunger This project contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.

This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774088 This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 774088