This project is dedicated to the musical culture of Selinus, one of the most important Western Greek cities, noted for its investment in cult and religious practice. The project is part of a broader research, concerning the appreciation of the Ancient Greek musical heritage in its historical context, identified here with the musical history of a Greek city in the West from the Archaic down to the Hellenistic period. The study combines the methods of archeology and musicology towards the analysis of the ancient remains and depictions of musical instruments and performances, considering their findspot and context of use, in order to place musical activities in a well-defined space and occasion and to interpret the cultural, religious and social meaning of Ancient Greek musical performances. It will analyze the historical context of music and its performance at Selinus, in relation to political and social changes. It will review the archaeological documentation in order to understand the role of Selinus in the field of the art of music in the Ancient Greek world. The study aims to analyze the musical performances in the sanctuaries of this Greek city and their relationship with ritual and cult. It will also include a virtual reconstruction of the musical instruments and an interactive map of the musical performances in the various sacred areas of Selinus. The project will be carried out in an institution that is world leading in both fields of Art History and Conservation (New York University). It will involve active training of the main researcher on multidisciplinary research tools, including Ancient Greek Art and Archaeology, and 3D Modeling applied to the reconstruction of musical instruments. The project will improve the excellence of the return host (Beni culturali - University of Bologna) in the field of Archaeomusicology. The project will raise the prospects of the main researcher to reach a prominent academic position in her field of research and teaching.
Dipartimento di Beni Culturali-DBC - Resp. Scientifico: Prof.ssa Donatella Restani
Other participants
New York University (USA)
Start date 01/03/2014
End date 28/02/2017
Duration 36 months
Project Reference 622974
Project cost 272.285 EURO
Project Funding 272.285 EURO
Subprogramme Area Marie-Curie Actions-International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF)
Contract type International Outgoing Fellowships (IOF)