The competitiveness of the luxury Made in Italy is in question. Traditionally Foreign Direct Investment (FDI) has flowed from the advanced developed economies into developed and developing countries. More recently a new trend has emerged in the pattern of FDI. Outward bound FDI from emerging economies has begun to increase significantly and has been growing at a faster pace than FDI from the advanced developed world. The proposed project aims to critically assess the impact of Chinese acquisitions on the luxury Made in Italy sector and its stakeholders. The project is multidisciplinary as it draws on the disciplines of International Business, Operations Management, Fashion Management and Marketing. The overall goal of the project is to establish and implement a substantial research agenda that will assist policy makers in responding to this trend and will be of value to all stakeholders in the luxury industry as they face this facet that inevitably globalization entails.
- Dipartimento di Scienze Aziendali-DISA
- Resp. Scientifico: Dr. Alessandra Vecchi
Start date 01/04/2013
End date 31/03/2017
Duration 48 months
Project Reference 334437
Project cost 100.000 EURO
Project Funding 100.000 EURO
Subprogramme Area Marie-Curie Actions-Career Integration Grants (CIG)
Contract type Support for training and career development of researcher (CIG)