This multidisciplinary exchange program aims to achieve at the same time one and variegated vision of disguise practices, concerning sonic events. It is our belief that an explanation of such issues would enable to cast new light on what we consider one of the most founding elements of every cultural process: the ritual aspect. Methodological relevance this project conveys in comparing different disciplines and praxis has got the task of giving a stable basis to the interpenetration of Ethnomusicology and Historical Musicology, with connections to Clinical Psychology and Anthropology. We will move along two methodological lines: one attentive to the 'context' and the other to 'text' of the phenomenon of cross-dressed musicians in Morocco. The programme has 2 Work Packages. WP 1 ( Searching for materials and documents in archives, libraries; fieldworks in the places ) will develop of the systematic searches that would lead up to a common result, both theoretical and practical, on musical phenomena involving ritual and cultural levels like disguise practice. WP 2 ( Analysis of the material collected ) will be also produced audio-video, iconographical materials and texts acquisition and digitalization, and their cataloguing to preserve and make these realizable and shareable with a most wide audience of researchers and students. Each package combines senior and junior researchers in research training, sharing knowledge and research development. Knowledge generated will benefit the final publications of the result of the research, an important place will be that of the multimedia; they will be important tools to study the events connected to sound and fieldwork, the construction of ethnographic documents using new technology. The research products appear of extreme importance both to implementing of specific Musicology and Ethnography methodologies and to sharing reflections about the sense of identity and belonging in ancient and modern traditions.

- Dipartimento Delle Arti - DARViPeM
- Resp. Scientifico: Prof. Domenico Staiti

Other participants:
Universidad de Valladolid (Spain)
Università Degli Studi Di Napoli “Federico II” ( Italy)
Université Moulay Ismail (Morocco)
Université Mohammed V Souissi (Morocco)


Start date 20/02/2013

End date 19/02/2017 

Duration 48 months

Project Reference 318942

Project cost 326.800 EURO

Project Funding 326.800 EURO


Subprogramme Area Marie-Curie Actions- International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)

Contract type International Research Staff Exchange Scheme (IRSES)