A technology pLatform for the Assisted living of Dementia elDerly INdividuals and their carers

Alzheimer's disease, the most common form of cortical dementia, is a degenerative brain disease for which there is no known cure but only a symptomatic therapy. Experts estimate that 26.6 million people worldwide had Alzheimer in 2006, which would multiply by four by 2050. The scope of the present paper is to present ALADDIN, A technology pLatform for the Assisted living of Dementia elDerly INdividuals and their carers, which aims at supporting maintaining health and functional capability, providing the means for the self-care and the self-management of chronic conditions, providing added value to the individual, leveraging his/her quality of life, while at the same time supporting the moral and mental upgrade of both the patients and their carers, as well as enhancing the home-as-care environment through the provision of tools for frequent, unobtrusive monitoring, via the development of user-friendly ICT tools.

Institute of Communications and Computer Systems (Greece)

Other participants:
- Istituto di Psichiatria “Paolo Ottonello”
- Resp. scientifico: Prof. Alessandro Serretti
Psychiatric Hospital of Attica (Greece)
Atos Origin (Spain)
Fraunhofer Gesellschaft zur Förderung der Angewandten Forschung e.V. (Germany)
The National Hospital for Neurology & Neurosurgery (UK)
Badalona Serveis Assistencials (Spain)
Aethia S.r.l. (Italy)


Start date 01/09/2009

End date 31/05/2011

Duration 27 months

Project Reference AAL-2008-1-061

Project cost 1.998.961 EURO

Project Funding 1.597.105 EURO 

Area FP7- JP-AAL

Subprogramme Area Ambient Assisted Living (AAL) Joint Programme

Contract type AAL Joint Undertaking