Coronavirus: provisions until 15 March

The Government introduced a new Prime Ministerial Decree which extends the suspension of the in-class teaching activities in all Italian Universities until 15 March 2020.


This provision was taken after hearing the opinion of the Technical-Scientific Committee and the Ministry of Health, who deem this a necessary measure in order to contain the contagion.

Since Monday 2 March, the University of Bologna has progressively made operative its teaching offer via distance learning. Starting from Monday, 9 March, all teaching activities will be resumed online, exception made for those activities that are not compatible with distance learning. Following the same procedure, other training activities, such as masters and professionalizing courses, will be activated. Every other teaching or educational activity which is currently suspended and could not be resumed via distance learning will be made up for, following a new timetable. 

Exams can be taken using the same technology used for the lessons (Teams). Degree courses coordinators and/or teaching staff member will provide students with a new exam schedule, which will take into account all postponed activities.

Finally, given the uncertainty of the situation in the upcoming weeks, the online discussion of final dissertations was met with approval. The University of Bologna will schedule a graduation ceremony, as soon as the circumstances will allow to do so. Students will receive further communications from their degree courses coordinators as far as graduation sessions are concerned.

In line with what happened during the past weeks, the other activities of the University are guaranteed and all the university offices and facilities will be open as usual. Museums, libraries, study rooms, student administration and public offices will open following a schedule aimed at avoiding crowds from gathering and so that users can maintain a safety distance of at least one meter from each other.

As concerns work and attendance modes, members of the technical-administrative staff will be allowed to use some measures adopted within administrative offices.

"What we are doing in these days is a collective political act: we are all responsible for this, as students as well as members of the technical-administrative and teaching staff", says Rector Francesco Ubertini. "This political act implies that we do not accept that the life of such an important and complex institution is completely blocked due to the outbreak, despite the huge difficulties our staff members have to face due to school closure. Our commitment is now the following: to allow for lessons, exams and graduations to continue without the interruption of interpersonal study and work relations, but still complying with all the provisions of the competent authorities to contain the virus from spreading."

Everyone is therefore warmly invited to behave responsibly. Further and reliable information at the websites of the Ministry of Health and of Istituto Superiore di Sanità.


Please be reminded of the following hygienic-sanitary measures:

a) wash your hands often;

b) avoid close contact with people suffering from acute respiratory infections; avoid hugs and handshakes and physical contacts with anyone;

c) respiratory hygiene (sneezing and/or coughing into a handkerchief avoiding respiratory secretions to get in contact with your hands);

d) maintain an interpersonal distance of at least one meter while entertaining social relations;

e) avoid drinking from someone else’s bottle and/or glasses, in particular during sport activities;

f) do not touch your eyes, nose and mouth with your hands;

g) cover your mouth and nose if you sneeze or cough;

h) do not take antiviral drugs and antibiotics, unless prescribed by a doctor;

i) clean surfaces with chlorine or alcohol-based disinfectants;

l) use masks only if you suspect that you are ill or if you are caring for sick people.

For more information, phone the toll-free numbers of the Ministry of Health (1500) and of the Emilia-Romagna Region (800.033.033).

Published on: 05 March 2020