Asia Institute

Asia Institute provides information and support for Asian students on degree programmes at Rimini Campus.

 Verify the ways and schedules of access in the box "contacts"


    The office will:

  1. Assistance in dealing with bureaucratic formalities related to residence permits, local health services, accommodation, etc.;
  2. guidance on the University's educational offer and services;
  3. assistance in dealing with bureaucratic formalities linked to university life;
  4. orientation on the city and useful services;
  5. coordination of extra-curricular activities (cinema, theatre, cultural events etc.);
  6. accompanying service and language support in exceptional cases (accident, hospital, police station and similar cases).


    1. 提供语言和文化沟通服务;

    2. 在大学组织的迎新期活动中给予留学生提供帮助;

    3. 提供学生居留,住宿,健康保险等有关手续指引;

    4. 为学生提供有关大学的入学步骤,教学计划,教学设施和课程设置等信息;

    5. 协助学生联系大学办公室办理与教学,学习和生活福利等有关的手续;

    6. 提供大学校区所在城市的有关有用信息;

     7. 提供课外活动信息,组织相关活动 (各种文化交流活动);

     8. 在紧急情况下提供陪同翻译和提供语言支持(意外事故,医院,警察局)。



Tutor Asia Institute


地址 Via Carlo Cattaneo, 17 - 47921 RIMINI

Office hours


In person appointments:­
Thursday 2.30 - 4.30 pm by email or phone request

Online desk (Teams):
Monday to Friday from 2.00 to 3.30 pm (Teams address:

+39 3317949582