Campus Board

The Campus Board coordinates and organizes support for the teaching and research conducted by the Departments at each of its centres. It has autonomy of management, organization and regulation on matters within its jurisdiction.



Director of Department:


Research Centre Directors ex art. 25 structures:

  • Prof.ssa Serena Righi ()
    Director of the Interdepartmental Research Center for Environmental Sciences (CIRSA)
  • Prof. Francesco Basile (
    Director of CIRI Energy and Environment
  • Prof. Giuseppe Lepore ()
    Director of the Higher School of City and Territory Studies (SSCT) 

Directors of the Organizational Unit (UOS):

  • Prof.ssa Renata Archetti (  
    Head of the U.O.S - Ravenna of the Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental and Materials Engineering - DICAM
  • Prof. Rocco Mazzeo (
    Head of the U.O.S. - Ravenna of the Department of Chemistry "Giacomo Ciamician"  - CHIM
  • Prof. Mauro Comes Franchini (
    Head of the U.O.S. - Ravenna of the Department of Industrial Chemistry “Toso Montanari” - CHIMIND
  • Prof. Antonio Curci ()
    Head of the U.O.S. – Ravenna of the Department of History and Cultures - DiSCI
  • Prof.ssa Sonia Silvestri ()
    Head of the U.O.S. - Ravenna of the Department of Biological, Geological and Environmental Sciences - BiGeA
  • Prof. Enrico Al Mureden ()
    Head of the U.O.S. – Ravenna of the Department of Legal Studies - DSG

Degree courses coordinators:

  • Prof.ssa Katia Mattarozzi (
    Degree Programme Director of the First cycle degree/Bachelor in Nursing (Qualifying Health Profession of Nurse) - Ravenna (L) 
  • Prof.ssa Mirella Falconi (
    Degree Programme Director of the First cycle degree/Bachelor in Logopedia (Qualifying Health Profession of Speech Therapist)  (L) and Degree Programme Director of the del Single cycle degree/Combined Bachelor and Master in Medicine and Surgery  (LM)


Representatives of professors and researchers:

Students delegates:

Delegates for the Administrative Staff of the Ravenna Campus:

Delegate for the Support  Body:

Delegate for the Ravenna Local authorities: