The city
- Municipality of Ravenna
- Ravenna Tourism
- Visit Ravenna
- Emilia Romagna Tourism – Ravenna
- Po Delta Regional Park
- Informagiovani
Health services
- Local Health Authority (AUSL) of Romagna
- Ravenna Hospital
- First Aid and Emergency Medicine
- Pharmacies
Transport and mobility
Art, museums and archaeological sites
- Early Christian Monuments - UNESCO World Heritage
- National Museum
- Art Museum of the City of Ravenna
- International Centre for the Documentation of Mosaics
- International Museum of Ceramics in Faenza
- Archbishop's Museum
- Dante Museum and Casa Dante
- Viva Dante
- House of Stone Carpets
- Rasponi Crypt and Hanging Gardens
- Classis Ravenna – Museum of the City and the Territory
- NatuRa Museum
- Museum The House of Puppets
- Magazzeno Art Gallery
- Planetary
- Ravenna Campus Central Library
- Classense Library
- Alfredo Oriani Library of Contemporary History
- DISCI Library (Archaeology)
- Fine Arts Academy Library
- Manfrediana Municipal Library of Faenza
- Carlo Zucchini Popular Library in Faenza
- Municipal Library Fabrizio Trisi of Lugo
Cinema, theatre, dance, music, literature
- Dante Alighieri Theatre
- Luigi Rasi Theatre
- Socjale Theatre in Piangipane
- Musical Association “Angelo Mariani”
- Ravenna Festival
- Ammutinamenti Festival di Danza Urbana e d'Autore
- Festival of Cultures
- MEI Meeting of Independents
- Spiagge Soul
- Transmission Festival
- Beaches Brew
- ScrittuRa Festival
- GialloLuna NeroNotte
- Ravenna Nightmare Film Festival
- Soundscreen Film Festival