Main activities of the Ravenna Campus Internship Service:
- Registration of new agreements with the University;
- Information point on internships;
- Contacts/relations between students and companies/institution;
- Administration procedures on activation of curricular internships, curricular internships for thesis, laboratory work, validation of excavation activities, equiparation of work activities. For more information on stages and internships activated by the Study Programmes of the Ravenna Campus, please visit the website of the correspondent degree course and/or contact its reference person;
- Administration procedures on activation of post-graduate internships for all the recent graduates of Ravenna Campus;
- Information point on internships abroad (Erasmus Placement).
Information for students
The University of Bologna offers its students and recent graduates the opportunity to carry out internships, in order to facilitate initial contacts with the world of work, acquire professional skills and guide and facilitate professional choices.
- Curricular internships: internships that students can carry out as part of their curriculum
- Postgraduate training and guidance internships: internships that recent graduates can carry out within 12 months of graduation
- Internships abroad: opportunities for students to carry out a internships abroad
Information for organisations and bodies
Structures interested in hosting interns may collaborate with the University, signing agreements that enable them to make contact with University students and graduates.
Agreements and publication of internship offers by organizations and bodies.
Internships Service
Office Manager: Florence Ciotti
Staff: Piera Pizzamiglio, Roberto Magni, Viviana Vagnini
Via A. Baccarini 27, 48121 Ravenna
Office hours
Telephone Call Centre:
Monday, Wednesday, Friday: from h 9 to h 12.
Tuesday and Thursday: from h 14 to h 15.30.
Face-to-face reception is by appointment only, to be agreed via e-mail.
The service is guaranteed remotely: by telephone, email and on the TEAMS platform.
+39 0544 936959 (Internships)+39 0544 936986 (Internships)
See also
Procedure in the event of an injury
It is the student's responsibility to inform the Campus Offices - no later than 30 days after the injury - and deliver the Emergency Room certificate within the times and in the manner indicated.