The purpose of the service is to improve candidates’ ability to address the world of work with effective strategies.
Cyclically, laboratories will be available giving practice with issues like compiling a curriculum vitae, performing at an interview for a job, getting organised in hunting for a job, and acquiring personal business-like qualities.
The laboratories work by modules: developing e-reference skills, on-line questionnaires for self-assessment as to employability, pinpointing the individual training requirement; on-line and in-class training to hone active job-search techniques and self-promotion; group laboratory work to develop your business initiative; help with drawing up a business plan and finding out about funding sources; career guidance.
All our services are free and are organised with the Unibo Career guidance service.
See also
Innovative service that makes the curricula of graduates, masters and PhDs available online, acting as a meeting point between universities and companies
Published - Fondazione Flaminia - Towards work Published
The incubator, accelerator and innovation hub of the University of Bologna