Phone calls 0543 374800:
Monday 9.00 -11.30
Tuesday 9.00 -11.30
Wednesday 9.00 -11.30
Thursday 13.30 - 15.30
Here you can find information, materials, and useful directions that can facilitate the encounter between the university and future students and all those who wish to get in touch with the university world.
In addition to information on degree programmes, scholarships, and more, it is possible to get advice on finding housing, leisure, and living in the city.
Guidance, Placement and Public Relations Office (URP) - Forlì Campus.
Services for enrolled students and Services to accompany students and grad students in entering the job market.
Piazzale Solieri n. 1 - 47121 Forlì (FC)
Office hours
Phone calls (+39.0543 374800) during the hours:
Monday 9 a.m.-11:30 a.m.
Tuesday 9.00 -11.30 a.m.
Wednesday 9.00 -11.30 a.m.
Thursday 1:30 p.m. - 3:30 p.m.
Virtual Helpdesks by appointment ( ; +39.0543.374800)
Other services available through the Virtual Helpedesks by appointment:
- Incoming and ongoing orientation interviews (This service must be requested in advance by sending an email to
- Outbound orientation interviews (This service must be requested in advance by sending an email to
Find out more
Unibo Counseling service