Healthcare and medical treatment - Forlì

Financial Support for Healthcare Expenses for Students from Outside Bologna Enrolled in the a.y. 2023/24 

The University of Bologna has allocated a fund of €150,000 to provide financial contributions to support the healthcare expenses of students from outside Bologna.

The contributions will be as follows:

  • €1,000 for non-EU citizens;
  • €500 for Italian or EU citizens.

To apply for this funding, you should submit your application through Studenti Online by 3:00 PM on 11 July, 2024.

Healthcare for international students

Information for students with European Union citizenship (EU students) and students with non-European Union citizenship (non-EU students) on how to access health care and how to voluntarily register with the Italian National Health Service as a student.

Please refer to the information on the page Medical assistance for international students.

Attention: For Cesena and Forlì the methods of payment of the contribution provided for voluntary enrollment in the National Health Service and the choice of doctor of foreign citizens, including students, have changed. 

The payment of the contribution through the postal order to the regional current account is no longer envisaged, but the amount can be paid directly to this Local Health Authority (the amount foreseen for students is € 149.77 per calendar year). 

Foreign students, therefore, will be able to go directly to the one-stop shops of our company where they will receive all the information to make the payment required for registration with the National Health Service and the choice of doctor (automatic AUSl cash dispensers, cashiers, online payment, etc.).


What to do in case you need medical care

  • Guardia medica (Continuing Care Service): the continuing care services run on Saturdays, Sundays, public holidays and at night, for non-urgent cases. The clinic is at Morgagni – Pierantoni Hospital, in Via Carlo Forlanini, 34 (from 8 pm to 8 am) at the following phone number 0543 731601 (24/7). Also in this case, the rates of €20 for a surgery appointment and €35 for a home visit shall apply.
  • Accident and Emergency: at the Morgagni – Pierantoni Hospital, in Via Carlo Forlanini, 34. Access to the A&E is free of charge only if the visit is considered appropriate. Inappropriate access to the A&E will be subject to the payment of a fee (ticket) of €25 for the first visit to the A&E doctor and €23 for any subsequent consultations requested by the A&E doctor. There is also a maximum fee (ticket) of €36.15 for any tests prescribed by the A&E doctor.
  • Morgagni - Pierantoni Hospital, Via Carlo Forlanini 34, switchboard tel. 0543 731111. Take bus route no. 2 from p.le della Vittoria.
  • Booking specialist appointments: the telephone booking system allows users to book a wide range of specialist services, both via the CUP (with a GP's prescription) and private practice Book by phone from Monday to Friday, from 8 am to 6 pm (three lines available). For appointments bookable via the cup service there are two phone numbers: - 840 000 633 from land lines, connection charge only applies according to the rates applied by the network manager; - 199 166 003 from mobile phone, cost according to the rates applied by the service provider. Private practice appointments can be booked via the following number: 199 171 611 both from land line and mobile phone, no connection charge, cost according to the rates applied by the network manager.
  • To change your GP: go to the CUP (Centro Unificato Prenotazione) in via C. Colombo 11  (from Mon to Fri: 7:30 am – 12:45 pm | Sat: 7:30 am – 12:30 pm) with your medical card and an ID document. Here you will find a list of all the doctors available to choose from. The change is temporary and must be renewed annually when you renew your domicile.
  • Pharmacies: the municipal pharmacies offer a 15% discount to university student on non-prescription drugs and all other products sold over the counter. The same discount is also available for pharmaceutical services (tests and analyses) and a help service is available for coeliac students claiming refunds for medical costs. 


Italian Emergency telephone numbers

  • 112 - European Emergency Number
  • 113 - Emergency Police Help Number
  • 115 - Fire Department
  • 118 - Medical Emergency