What can you do to increase your chances of being called for an interview? Why should the company read your letter and/or CV?
A few details can make the difference. Let’s see which ones:
1) Find a way to discover the name of the hiring manager or department head (if the name does not appear clearly in the job advertisement, you can check the company website) and address the email to his/her attention, ensuring s/he feels included from the start.
2) Avoid irrelevant content: do not waste the letter with futile praise that could be counter-productive.
3) Use the letter to point out information included in your CV that deserves attention. That way, the hiring manager knows what to focus on.
4) Explain everything that is not clear in the CV: periods of inactivity, job hunts or any specific requirements, and add at least one memorable ‘catchphrase’ (about your enthusiasm, qualification or experience).
5) Expressly invite the reader to contact you, adding your phone number and email address to the cover letter. Wording such as ‘I look forward to receiving your feedback’ suggests that you expect to receive an answer.
And remember, self-evaluation is always useful: once it’s written, re-read your cover letter to verify if you followed all our advice. Would you call yourself for an interview?