Research at Rimini

Department for Life Quality Studies

Rimini hosts the first Department in Italy devoted to the Quality of Life in its broadest sense, studying that complex factor, well-being, which so closely depends on the "emotional, mental, physical, social and spiritual state that enables people to attain and maintain their personal potential in society"(European Observatory on health systems and policies).

Department of Management - Rimini Campus branch

At the Rimini Campus the department carries out research and teaching activities in the field of business management, institutions and financial intermediaries.

Outlying Organizational Units (UOS)

The UOSs present on Rimini Campus.

Center for Advanced Studies in Tourism (CAST)

The purpose of the CSAT is to inject an interdisciplinary approach into scientific research and advanced tuition; likewise, to create a platform of skills capable of producing local-scale and global-scale scientific projects in the field of tourism.

Technopolis Project

Rimini is host to CIRI Energy & Environment (U.O. Industrial eco-design, waste recuperation and product life cycle) and CIRI Advanced Mechanics & Materials (U.O. Innovative Technology for fashion).