Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Enzo Zanchini
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: ING-IND/10
  • Language: Italian
  • Moduli: Davide Tabarelli (Modulo 1) Enzo Zanchini (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Energy Engineering (cod. 0935)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student has a basic knowledge of availability functions for thermodynamics systems, of the economics of energy and the environment applied to markets and industries of fossil fuels and renewable sources and he is a condition to deal with the critical issues related both to production and consumption of energy in the different sectors. In particular, the student is able to: Analyze environmental policies aimed at reducing CO2 emissions; Identify the main dynamics of the oil, gas and coal markets; Estimate the main cost for final energy consumers in the different sectors; Collect and analyze statistics on prices and quantities of the energy markets. Calculate the exergy efficiency of technological processes Predict the exergy payback period of energy retrofits.

Course contents

Module 1: Energy economics

Simple concepts of energy economics and energy policy. Basic principles of energy and environmental economics, from the large amount of energy consumption of modern economies to the dispersion of energy. Resources, goods, markets, and optimal allocation of resources. Energy, environment and market failures, concepts of energy density. Is energy a commodity like any other? When is it possible to make energy a commodity? Competitive markets, regulation, planning and state intervention. The three pillars of energy policies: environment, safety, and competitiveness.

Energy scenarios and the fossil fuels supremacy. World energy balance and consumption growth trends. Population and urbanization as major determinants of energy demand. Greater wealth, GDP expansion and higher energy consumption. Long-term trends in energy consumption and main disruptions of the past. Role of gas, oil, and coal. Poor biomass fuels and the damage they cause. The large hydroelectric, the true renewable source. The new renewables, wind and photovoltaic, and the difficulties of their growth. The complexity of nuclear power, its problems and its advantages.

CO2 emissions and mitigation policies. World growth of CO2 emissions. Analysis of emissions by sector. The weight of the consumption of fossil fuels. Attempt to estimate a worldwide balance of CO2 emissions of natural and anthropogenic origin. History of environmental policy on the environment and climate change. Mitigation policies at the international level: Kyoto Protocol and the Paris Agreement. Trade in emission permits in the European Union. CO2 price prediction and recent dynamics. The European objectives on the reduction of CO2 emissions. The case of Italy and its policies. 

Electricity generation, renewable sources, markets, and bills. Why electricity is not an energy commodity. Attempts to make a tradable good on competitive markets. World power generation, in Europe and in Italy from main primary sources. The role of electricity imports. The growth of the uses of electricity in all final sectors. The supremacy of coal in power generation. Hydroelectric and other renewables. Intermittence, modularity, and energy storage.

The industry and the oil market. Oil, the main source of world energy balance. Demand for mobility and dependence on oil products: gasoline, diesel gasoil, LPG, kerosene, bunker, lubricants, bitumen. Price mechanisms and futures markets. Policies and future developments. Refining and distribution of oil. The oil industry in Italy and the fuel network. The prices of petrol and diesel at the pump. Price structure at the pump.

Natural gas and the transition. Natural gas and its market towards the transition. Growth in gas consumption and environmental benefits. The combined cycle in electricity generation. The case of Italy and the 2022 crisis. Gas prices on the international markets. Gas import price formulas. The link between the price of gas and that of electricity. The gas and electricity bills in Italy. Comparison of gas and electricity prices with foreign countries.

Solved exercises. How to find less and more competitive consumer goods markets. Collection of statistics on the development of individual countries in the world. Calculation of the reduction of CO2 worldwide thanks to gas and renewable sources. Reading an electricity bill. Analysis of a gas bill to an industry. How to find the best gas and electricity supplies on the free market for a family and a business.


Module 2: Exergy analysis

Summary of the foundations of thermodynamics of closed systems. Basic definitions. First law and energy. Second law. Impossibility of a perpetual motion machine of the second kind. Definitions of thermodynamic temperature and entropy. Principle of entropy nondecrease. Highest-entropy principle. Entropy flux and entropy production.

Simple system and Gibbs equation. Fundamental relation and Gibbs equation for a simple closed system. Necessary conditions for the mutual stable equilibrium of two closed systema that can exchange energy and volume. Work performed in a quasistatic process of a closed simple system.

Foundations of the thermodynamics of open systems. Enthalpy and entropy of an open system. Molar enthalpy of formation and molar Gibbs free energy of formation. Fundamental relation and Gibbs equation of an open system. Differentials of enthalpy and of Gibbs free energy. Conditions for the mutual stable equilibrium of two open systems. Euler equation. Chemical potential of an ideal gas and of a constituent of a mixture of ideal gases.

Chemical reactions and chemical equilibrium. Sign of the stoichiometric coefficients. Reaction coordinate. Change in composition of a batch process. Change in composition of a steady-flow process. Degree of reaction. Multiple reactions. Enthalpy, Gibbs free energy and entropy of reaction. Lower heating value and higher heating value. Condition for chemical equilibrium. Chemical equilibrium of a mixture if ideal gases.

Availability functions of closed systems and flow availability. Adiabatic availability. Energy-entropy diagram. Available energy and example. Keenan availability function and example. Energy and entropy balances for a control volume. Flow availability. Gibbs free energy as a special case of flow availability.

Exergy and flow exergy. Exergy. Molar exergy and molar flow exergy of a pure substance. Exergy of a heat flux. Molar flow exergy of an ideal gas. Specific flow exergy of a mixture of air and water vapor. Molar flow exergy of liquid water. Molar exergy of a chemical fuel. Evaluation of the molar exergy of methane.

Exergy efficiency. Task exergy efficiency. Exergy efficiency of a batch process. Special cases of useful work production and utilization, and examples. Exergy efficiency of a steady-flow process and examples: production and utilization of useful work, heat exchanger. Isentropic efficiency.

World consumption of nonrenewable exergy and emissions of CO2 equivalent. Data of world energy consumption and estimate of world consumption of nonrenewable exergy. Global warming potential and annual emissions of CO2 equivalent.

Energy payback period and carbon payback period. Embodied energy, annual energy saving and energy payback period. Embodied carbon, annual carbon saving and carbon payback period. Methods to evaluate embodied energy and embodied carbon. Estimate of the embodied energy and of the embodied carbon of an air-source heat pump and of a ground-coupled heat pump. Evaluation of the energy and of the carbon payback period of the replacement of a gas boiler with an air-source or with a ground-coupled heat pump.

Solved exercises. Entropy production in the external wall of a building. Outlet molar fractions and thermal power of a methane burner. Exergy of the heat flux supplied to a room. Exergy destruction in the mixing of two ideal gases. Exergy analysis of a solar PV system. Exergy efficiency and isentropic efficiency of a vapor turbine. Exergy analysis of the cycle of an air-to-water heat pump. Calculation of the specific flow exergy of liquid and gas CO2. Calculation of the lower heating value and of the standard molar exergy of liquid benzene. Exergy analysis of a lamination valve. Comparison between the exergy efficiency of a condensation boiler and that of a heat pump.


Module 1: Energy economics

R. Kerry Turner, David Pearce, Environmental Economics: An Elementary Introduction, Johns Hopkins Univ Pr.


 Module 2: Exergy analysis

Slides of Termoeconomia M, Module 2 – Exergy analysis, prepared by the teacher and available on https://virtuale.unibo.it [https://virtuale.unibo.it/] .

Further reading for technical insights (not necessary for the exam)

E.P. Gyftopoulos and G.P. Beretta, Thermodynamics: Foundations and Applications, Dover 2005.

G. P. Beretta and E. Zanchini, Rigorous and General Definition of Thermodynamic Entropy, in: Thermodynamics, edited by M. Tadashi, InTech, 2011, p. 23.

E. Zanchini and G.P. Beretta, Recent Progress in the Definition of Thermodynamic Entropy, Entropy 16, 1547-1570, 2014.

E. Zanchini and G.P. Beretta, Thermodynamic entropy and temperature rigorously defined without heuristic use of the concepts of heat and empirical temperature, in: Kelvin, Thermodynamics and the Natural World, Chapter 12, Witt Press 2015.

E. Zanchini, T. Terlizzese, Molar exergy and flow exergy of pure chemical fuels, Energy 34, 2009, 1246–1259.

E. Zanchini, A more general exergy function and its application to the definition of exergy efficiency, Energy 87, 2015, 352-360.

References for thermodynamic data (not necessary for the exam)

David R. Lide Editor-in-Chief, CRC Handbook of Chemistry and Physics 90th Edition, 2009-2010, CRC Press, 2009 (ed edizioni successive).

NIST – National Institute of Standards and Technology, U.S. Department of Commerce, https://webbook.nist.gov/chemistry/fluid/

NIST-JANAF Thermochemical Tables, NIST Standard Reference Database 13, Last Update to Data Content: 1998, https://janaf.nist.gov/

G Hammond, C. Jones, Inventory of Carbon & Energy (ICE) Version 2.0, University of Bath, UK, 2011.

Teaching methods

Module 1: Energy economics

The lessons will be carried out with presentations in PowerPoint. Exercises related to real cases will be conducted. Lectures by people from the energy industry are foreseen.


Module 2: Exergy analysis

The teaching method is based on theoretical lessons and solved exercises, presented by the teacher in classroom, mainly by means of slides. Lessons will be videotaped.

Assessment methods

The assessment method is an oral exam, that includes two questions for each module. To obtain the highest vote (30 cum laude) the student must show that she/he fully understood the topics requested and can explain them clearly. The failure in the exam happens if the student shows that she/he does not know at all, or misunderstood completely, a fundamental topic.

Teaching tools

Module 1: energy economics

PowerPoint presentations; articles from newspapers; Slides available online: https://virtuale.unibo.it.


Module 2: Exergy analysis

Audiovisual systems; Slides available online: https://virtuale.unibo.it.

Office hours

See the website of Enzo Zanchini

See the website of Davide Tabarelli