49335 - MedicalAnthropology

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Docente: Agata Mazzeo
  • Credits: 2
  • SSD: M-DEA/01
  • Language: Italian
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Ravenna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 5708)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student acquires the theoretical-methodological tools to adequately consider the socio-cultural dynamics involved in the experience of the disease and in the forms of care. Starting from the consideration that the process of translating signs of malaise into symptoms of disease is mediated by cultural reference frameworks, not taking into account the patient's perspective means running the risk of not understanding the meaning of her experience and hindering her participation in the therapeutic process. These issues emerge as central not only in the case of foreign patients, whose cultural context can be very different from that of medical-health personnel, but in every experience of illness. Through long-established tools on these issues it is possible to produce a better efficiency of the services provided (reducing dropout, non-compliance and obstacles to access) and greater therapeutic efficacy (thus promoting the health of the population). In particular, the student has knowledge of: - cultural shaping of the experience of illness; - doctor-patient communication; - impact of socio-economic processes in the production of risk factors and pathologies; - implementation of models to make these requests operational in the context of the doctor-patient encounter and in the more general promotion of her health.

Course contents

This course of Medical Anthropology is a component of the integrated course of GENERAL PSYCHOLOGY AND MEDICAL ANTHROPOLOGY.

The following topics will be deepened during this course.

Culture, body and society: a complex relationship:

  • The role of human and social sciences in the reconfiguration of clinical care practice;
  • Body and embodiment;
  • Professional-patient relationship and communication;
  • From competence to cultural awareness;
  • Therapeutic efficacy and (lack of) compliance;
  • Disease, illness, sickness;


The experience of pain and its meanings:

  • Between nature and culture: sex and gender;


Socio-economic processes, risk and health promotion:

  • The production of risk factors: social determinants and health inequalities;
  • Structural violence and social suffering;
  • Health promotion and equity in health services access;


Health, culture and environment:

  • Risk perception, environmental health, bottom-up public health movements


The training of doctors: clinical gaze and self-reflexivity


Fundamental readings:

- Pizza G. (2005), Salute e Malattia: una coppia ambigua, in Pizza G. (2005) «Antropologia Medica. Saperi, pratiche e politiche del corpo», Carocci, Roma, pp. 74-106.

- Quaranta I. (2012), La trasformazione dell’esperienza. Antropologia e processi di cura, in «Antropologia e Teatro», n. 3, pp. 1–31.

All course contents will be subject of exam. Students will be able to deepen the topics discussed in class by reading at least one article or book chapter from each of the following thematic sections.


Culture, body and society: a complex relationship:

- Ciannameo A. (2015), Corpo, malattia e cura in una prospettiva di salute globale, in Emerson E. Merhy, Angelo Stefanini, Ardigò Martino (2005, a cura) «Problematizzando epistemologie in salute collettiva: saperi dalla cooperazione Brasile e Italia», Rede Unida, Porto Alegre-Bologna, pp. 103-126.

- Napier D. et al. (2014), Culture and Health (The Lancet Commissions), in «The Lancet», Vol. 384, n. 1, pp. 1607-1639 (Traduzione italiana: Cultura e Salute, 2019).

- Pizza G. (2005), Figure del corpo, in Pizza G. (2005) «Antropologia Medica. Saperi, pratiche e politiche del corpo», Carocci, Roma, pp. 29-74.

- Quaranta I. (2017), Cura e significato: dalla competenza alla consapevolezza culturale, in Gemelli G. (2017, a cura) «CONSAPEVOLMENTE Prendersi cura di adolescenti e giovani adulti in onco-ematologia», Baskerville, Bologna, pp. 246 - 272.

- Csordas J.T. (2003), Incorporazione e fenomenologia culturale, in «Corpi. Annuario Antropologia», n. 3, pp. 19-42.


The experience of pain and its meanings:

- Cozzi D. (2012), Dolore, in Cozzi D. (2012, a cura di), «Le parole dell’antropologia medica. Piccolo dizionario», Morlacchi Editore, Perugia, pp.85-112.

- Good B. (2006), Un corpo che soffre. La costruzione di un mondo di dolore cronico in Quaranta I. (2006, a cura), «Antropologia medica. I testi fondamentali», Raffaello Cortina, Milano, pp. 235-259;

- Moretti C. (2014), Ricostruire un sapere: quando con SF si intende “solo fantasia” e “solo femminile”, in «AM Rivista della Società italiana di antropologia medica», n. 38, pp. 457-471;

- Moretti C. (2017), Sympathetic Character. La retorica dell’inefficacia nei processi diagnostici della Sindrome Fibromialgica, in «AM Rivista della Società italiana di antropologia medica», n. 43-46, pp. 177-200;

- Ribeiro Corossacz V. (2015), Sesso e genere, oltre natura e cultura in Cutolo A., Grilli S., Viti F. (2015, a cura), «Tempo, persona e valore. Saggi in omaggio a Pier Giorgio Solinas», Argo, Lecce, pp. 127- 143;


Socio-economic processes, risk and health promotion:

- Di Girolamo C., Martino A. (2015), Le disuguaglianze in salute: spunti per una riflessione teoricain Emerson E. Merhy, Angelo Stefanini, Ardigò Martino (2015, a cura) «Problematizzando epistemologie in salute collettiva: saperi dalla cooperazione Brasile e Italia». Rede Unida, Porto Alegre-Bologna, pp. 15-34;

- Farmer P. (2006), Sofferenza e violenza strutturale. Diritti sociali ed economici nell’era globale, in Quaranta I. (2006 a cura), «Antropologia medica. I testi fondamentali», Raffaello Cortina, Milano, pp. 265-302;


Health, culture and environment:

Alliegro E. V. (2018), Contaminazione ambientale ed elaborazione del rischio sanitario: i costi dell’incertezza. Una ricerca antropologica sul “gass-ra-doon” nel quartiere “Tamburi” (Taranto), in «Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo», Vol. 21, n. 2, pp. 1-36.

Mazzeo A. (2020), Il corpo nelle esperienze di disastro e attivismo in siti contaminati dall’amianto, «Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo», Vol. 22, n.1, pp. 1-14.

Mazzeo A. (2017), Disastri invisibili e pratiche di attivismo, in «Antropologia», Vol. 4, n. 1, pp. 203-219.

Pasquarelli E., Ravenda A. F. (2020), Antropologia medica nella crisi ambientale. Determinanti biosociali, politica e campi di causazione, in «Archivio Antropologico Mediterraneo», Vol. 22, n. 1, pp. 1-13.

Tassan M. (2021), Ripensare la giustizia ambientale. Prospettive antropologiche su ambienti, nature e disuguaglianze nell’era dell’Antropocene, in «Antropologia», Vol. 8, n. 2, pp. 11-35.


The training of doctors: clinical gaze and self-reflexivity:

- Good B. (1999), Come la medicina costruisce i propri oggetti, in Good B. (1999) «Narrare la malattia. Lo sguardo antropologico sul rapporto medico-paziente», Einaudi Edizioni di Comunità, Torino, pp. 101-135.

- Pizza G. (2005), “Fare i medici”, in Pizza G. (2005) «Antropologia Medica. Saperi, pratiche e politiche del corpo», Carocci, Roma, pp. 169-183.

Teaching methods

The lectures will consist of both a frontal part and a part in which students will be invited to an active participation.

Audio-visual material will be used, when appropriate.

Assessment methods

The verification and evaluation of learning will occur by a UNIQUE ORAL EXAM, for the whole integrated course. The exam will be unique, in presence, for both modules (General Psychology and Medical Anthropology), simultaneously, and will consist of questions relating to both modules.

Students who decide to refuse the grade obtained in one of the modules or who carry out an insufficient exam in one of the two parts, will have to repeat the whole exam.

The final grade will be unique and will correspond to the weighted average, by number of credits, of the grades obtained for the General Psychology and Medical Anthropology modules. The vote will be visible on Almaesami. Those who do not intend to accept the vote must communicate the refusal via e-mail to Professor Valentina Colonnello, otherwise the "silent assent" rule will apply and the vote will be recorded.

An exam in which the student demonstrates that she is able to discuss, with appropriate language, the topics covered during the course, establishing connections between them, will result in an evaluation of excellent level.

An exam in which the student demonstrates that she can summarize the topics covered during the course in an acceptable language will result in an evaluation of sufficient / good level.

An exam in which the student does not demonstrate adequate mastery of the "knowledge and skills to be achieved" indicated as the teaching objectives, expressing herself in inappropriate language, will result in an insufficient evaluation.

Students with specific needs are invited to contact the professor to define the assessment methods suitable for their needs.

Teaching tools

Slides and audiovisual materials.

Students are asked to subscribe to the following mailing list ("Teachers-students" distribution list) through which they can receive any urgent communication regarding the course:


Office hours

See the website of Agata Mazzeo


Good health and well-being

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.