29918 - Archaeological Museology (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2022/2023

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Archaeology and Cultures of the Ancient World (cod. 8855)

Learning outcomes

After completing this course the student has the basic information to understand the complexity of modern Archaeological Museology: from the Knowledge of the scientific subject of the Museology to the Museum Practice. The History: from the "archetype" of museum in the ancient world to the "relational" museum.The problem of themedia in museum. Experimental archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology in connection witharchaeological preservation and enhancement: the problem of the archaeological park for to arouse interest and critical debat.The archaeological tourism: management and culture.

Course contents

The course contents are organized in two section, articulated the first one in 4 points on the theory, the history, the legislation (To A 1-4), the second in 3 points on the characterizing aspects of the archaeological museology and the presentation of specific cases (B 1-3).

A. 1 The Museology and his specificity in Archaeology: from the academic training to the practice application

  • Theory: Museology, Museography and Museum Practice
  • The Project: Museography and Museum Practice for the Museum Architecture. Scientific research, conservation and planning: methods, praxis and instruments. The architecture of the Museum: exhibition-stand: container and context.    

2. The history of the Museum: politics and society

  • The "archetype" of museum in the ancient world
  • The collecting
  • From the modern and "relational" museum, to the virtual museum

3. Museology as use of archaeological and cultural heritage:

  • The exhibition route:  stands, light, temperature and relative humidity
  • Knowledge and public, teaching methodology and archaeology
  • To communicate in museums: theory and practice through educational experiences in comparision
  • The future of the museum: communication and  technology
  • The "Public Archaeology"


4. Management and safeguard of the Archaeological and Cultural Heritage:

  • Laws, foreign and home policies
  • Archaeological Heritage illicil Trafficking
  • The Museums Marketing

B. 1. Archaeological Museology: sites, archaeological parks and Museums on ruins.

  • The safeguard, preservation and enhancement of the open-air archaeological sites 
  • The archaeological Parks and the museums off-site
  • Construction of event: the archaeological exhibitions

2. The new frontier of the archaeological museology:

  • Experimental archaeologies and ethnoarchaeology as instruments for creation and conservation of the archaeologiacl sites
  • New standards for the exhibition in the today's museology

3. Archaeological Tourism as cultural and economic impulse and businnes

Attending students will have to prepare a manual (A.1), textbook on the history of the museum (A.2), a text on the museum communication (A.3) and an article on the issue in the archaeological field enhancement (B.1), to be chosen from those listed in the bibliography; are also required to submit a paper in writing, that is to say, or filing of a museum, exhibition site or the archaeological park, or deepening of a particular theme, to be agreed with the teacher.

Non-attending students are obliged to prepare a text for each point of the program (A.1; A.2; A.3; B.1), a deepening of one of the themes illustrated in the subsections of the choice program, and the performance of individual work (essay) which consists of cataloging and critical analysis of a exhibition, a museum, a park or archaeological site to be agreed with the teacher.

The course will be completed with the visit to two different typologies territorial museums -if possible -, at the end of the conventional lessons.

Classes are held on Wednesdays 15-17 pm (classroom Gualandi); Thursday 15-17 pm (classroom Gualandi); friday 11-13 am (Seminar classroom); the start is scheduled February 01, 2023 (period III). The delivery of the lessons is not yet clear, but should provide a dual support . If, due to the pandemic, the lessons are held in mixed mode (blended), it will be immediately communicated according to the directives of the University, and the student will have to subscribe to the dedicated APP .

The professor respects the four-hour academic qualification, to allow students who attend classes in the previous or other time, to comfortably reach the lesson class.

To wealth of the bibliographical indication it is functional to the individual choices of the students, in relationship to the different thematic you treat in the progress.


A. 1.: The Museology, compulsory reading (one choice of their books:)

M.L. TOMEA GAVAZZOLI, Manuale di Museologia, Milano 2003

S. PANSINI, Museo e territorio, Bari 2004

A. LUGLI, G. PINNA, V. VERCELLONI, Tre idee di Museo, Milano 2005

A. MOTTOLA MOLFINO, C. MORIGI GOVI, Lavorare nei musei, Torino 2004

F. DONATI, L'archeologia e i suoi musei, Pisa 2003

L. CATALDO, M. PARAVENTI, Il Museo oggi. Linee guida per una muselogia contemporanea, Milano Hoepli, 2007

V. FALLETTI, M. MAGGI, I musei, Bologna 2012

A.M. VISSER TRAVAGLI, Musei: proposte per il futuro, Bari 2022

  • The exhibition project:

A. BONITO OLIVA, I fuochi dello sguardo: musei che reclamano attenzione, Roma 2004

A. CRICONIA, L'architettura dei Musei, Roma 2011

  A.2: The history and birth of the Museum: politics and society, compulsory reading (one choice of their books:)

M.C. RUGGIERI TRICOLI, M.D. VACIRCA, L'idea di Museo, Milano 1998

A. HUBER, Le ragioni del Museo, Bologna 1999

M.C. GENITO GUALANDI (a cura di), Musei, mostre e collezionismo negli scritti di Giorgio Gualandi, Bologna 2004

K. SCHUBERT, Museo. Storia di un'idea, Milano 2004

M.V. MARINI CLARELLI, Che cos'è un Museo, Roma 2005

F. LENZI, A. ZIFFERERO (a cura di), Archeologia del Museo, a cura di , Bologna 2004

S. BODO (a cura di), Il museo relazionale. Riflessioni ed esperienze europee, Torino 2003

P. DESANTIS, I musei del tempo ritrovato, Ferrara 2004

L. BASSO PERESSUT, Il museo moderno, Milano 2005

A. MOTTOLA MOLFINO, Il Libro dei Musei, Torino 2002

M.C. MAZZI, In viaggio con le Muse. Spazi e modelli del Museo, EDIFIR 2005

P.C. MARANI, R. PAVONI, Musei. Trasformazione di un'istituzione dall'età moderna al contemporaneo, Venezia 2006

D. POULOT, Musei e Museologia, Milano 2008

M.T. FIORIO, Il museo nella storia. Dallo "studiolo" alla raccolta pubblica, Milano 2011

E. CHRISTILLIN, Ch. GRECO, Le memorie del futuro, Torino 2021

K. POMIAN, Le musée, une histoire mondiale, I-III, Paris 2020-21 (italian version: Il museo. Una storia mondiale, I. Dal tesoro al Museo; II. L'affermazione europea 1789-1850; III. Alla conquista del mondo, 1850-2020, Torino 2021)

G. PINNA, Divagazioni sulla storia politica dei Musei, (on-line: giovanni.pinna.info@libro.html; www.nuovamuseologia.org)


A.3: The exhibition route, to communicate in the Museum, one choice of their books (optional reading):

  • Museum Practice and setting-up Tecniques:

A. PICOZZI, Elementi di Museotecnica, Napoli 2002

V. LEGGIERI, Museotecnica. Nuove tecniche per allestimenti e Musei, Napoli 2005
  • Theory of the museum communication:

 F. ANTINUCCI, Comunicare nel Museo, Milano 2002

La comunicazione nei Musei e nei Parchi, in R. FRANCOVICH, A. ZIFFERERO (a cura di), "Musei e parchi archeologici (IX ciclo di Lezioni sulla Ricerca Applicata in Archeologia)", Sezione V, Firenze 1999

E. HOOPER GREENHILL, I musei e la formazione del sapere, Milano 2005

M.C. RUGGIERI TRICOLI, I fantasmi e le cose. La messa in scena della storia nella comunicazine museale, Milano 2000

V. MINUCCIANI (a cura di), Il museo fuori dal museo. Il territorio e la comunicazione museale, a cura di Milano 2005

"Comunicare archelogia: strumenti, metodi, obiettivi (Atti Conveno, Genova)", Genova 2006

C.  FERRARA, La comunicazione dei Beni Culturali. Il progetto dell'identità visiva di musei, siti archeologici, luoghi della cultura, Milano 2007

L. AMODIO, La comunicazione nei Musei. Concetti di base, idee, strumenti, Napoli 2008.

L. CATALDO, Dal Museum Theatre al Digital Storytelling. Nuove forme della comunicazione museale fra teatro, multimedialità e narrazione, Milano 2011

C. DA MILANO, E. SCIACCHITANO, Linee guida per la comunicazione nei Musei: segnaletica interna, didascalie e pannelli, Roma 2015 (on-line version)

S. PALLECCHI (a cura di), Raccontare l'archeologia. Strategie e tecniche per la comunicazione dei risultati della ricerca archeologica, Firenze 2017

C. DAL MASO (ed.), Racconti da museo. Storytelling d'autore per il museo 4.0, Bari 2018

M. MANDARANO, Musei e Media digitali, Roma 2019

E. BONACINI, Digital Storytellyng nel marketing culturale turistico, Manuale pratico con esempi applicativi, Web Book 2021

  • The museums Audience:
E.  NARDI, Musei e pubblico: un rapporto educativo, Milano 2004

M.T. BALBONI BRIZZA, Immaginare il Museo. Riflessioni sulla didattica e il pubblico, Milano 2006

A. LA REGINA (a cura di), L'archeologia e il suo pubblico, Firenze 2009

  • The museum Teaching Methodology:

"L'immaginazione è un tappeto magico. Aule e laboratori didattici nei Musei Archeologici dell'Emilia Romagna: esperienze a confronto (Monterenzio 22 novembre 2001)", Bologna 2003

M.G. DIANI, S. MAGGI, L. VECCHI (a cura di), "Scuola museo territorio : per una didattica dell' archeologia (giornata di studio)", Firenze 2003

"Comunicare l'archeologia: ricerca e interazione in dieci anni di didattica (Atti Convegno Este)", Venezia 2008

M. BOLLA, Didattica museale in Archeologia, Padova 2013

Rivivere e comunicare con il passato: il contributo della rievocazione dell'evo antico al marketing museale e territoriale, a cura di F. LENZI, S. PARISINI, Bologna 2014

  • The application system: tecnology and multimedia:

A. ANTINUCCI, Musei virtuali. Come non fare innovazione tecnologica, Roma 2007

S. MONACI, Il futuro nel museo. Come i nuovi media cambiano l'esperienza del pubblico, Milano 2005

  • The Public Archaeology

DOSSIER: New trends in the communication of Archaelogy,  in "PCA. European Journal of postclassical archaeologies" 4, 2014, pp. 331-426.

M.C. PARELLO, M.S. RIZZO (a cura di), "Archeologia pubblica al tempo della crisi. Atti delle giornate gregoriane VII edizione (29-30 novembre 2013)", Bari 2014

G. VOLPE, Archeologia pubblica. Metodi, tecniche, esperienze, Roma 2020

A. 4: Management and safeguard of the archeological cultural heritage:

  • Legislation:
S. MESSINEO, Lezioni di diritto italiano dei beni culturali, Bologna 2009

 S. SETTIS, Italia S.p.A.. L'assalto al patrimonio culturale, Torino 2002

S. SETTIS, Battaglie senza eroi. I beni culturali tra istituzioni e profitto, Venezia 2005

J. CLAIR, La crisi dei Musei. La globalizzazione della cultura, Milano 2008

C. TOSCO, I beni culturali. Storia, tutela, valorizzazione, Bologna 2014

D. MANACORDA, L'Italia agli italiani. Istruzioni e ostruzioni per il patrimonio culturale, Bari 2014

G. VOLPE, Patrimonio al futuro. Un manifesto per i Beni Culturali e il paesaggio, Milano 2016

E. CHRISTILLIN, C. GRECO, Le memorie del futuro. Musei e ricerca, Torino 2021

  • Illicil Trafficking:

 F. ISMAN, I predatori dell'arte perduta, Milano 2008

T. CEVOLI (ed.), "Archeomafie" I-XIII (on line)

  • The Museums Marketing:

N. KOTLER, Ph. KOTLER, Marketing dei musei. Obiettivi, traguardi, risorse, Torino 2004

W. SANTAGATA, La fabbrica della cultura, Bologna 2007

F. BALDASSARRE, Il museo: organizzazione, gestione, marketing, Milano 2009

R. GARIBALDI, Strumenti innovativi di marketing per i musei, Milano 2012 (e-book version )

C. MEGALE, S. MONTI, Manuale di management per l’archeologia. Processi e procedure per l’archeologia nella società contemporanea, McGraw-Hill education 2021

B .1: Archaeological sites, parks and Museums, compulsory reading (one choice of their books):

  • The Safeguard, preservation and enhancement :
A. RICCI, I mali dell'abbondanza. Considerazioni impolitiche sui beni culturali, Roma 1996

R. FRANCOVICH, A. ZIFFERERO (a cura di), "Musei e parchi archeologici (IX ciclo di Lezioni sulla Ricerca Applicata in Archeologia)", Firenze 1999

F. LENZI, (a cura di), Archeologia e ambiente,  Forli' 1999

M.C. RUGGIERI TRICOLI, C. SPOSITO, I siti archeologici. Dalla definizione del valore alla protezione della materia, Palermo 2004

D. MANACORDA, Il sito archeologico: fra ricerca e valorizzazione, Roma 2007

M.T. GUAITOLI, Archaeology and its Museums: from the excavation to the multimedia dissemination, in "ARCHAIA. Case Studies on Research Planning, Characterisation, Conservation and Management of Archaeological Sites, London 2008, pp. 391-396


  • The enhancement in the city context:

F. FAZZIO, Gli spazi dell'archeologia. Temi per il progetto urbanistico, Roma 2005

A. RICCI, Attorno alla nuda pietra. Archeologia e città tra identità e progetto, Roma 2006

M.C. RUGGIERI TRICOLI, Musei sulle rovine: architetture nel contesto archeologico, Milano 2007

C. BILLECI, S. CIZZI, D. SCUDINO (a cura di) “Il rudere tra conservazione e reintegrazione. Atti del Convegno Internazionale (Sassari 26-27 settembre 2003)", Sassari 2006

G.P.TRECCANI (a cura di), Aree archeologiche e centri urbani. Costituzione dei Parchi Archeologici e processi di trasformazione urbana, Milano 2010

A ZIFFERERO, La valorizzazione del patrimonio archeologico urbano: dallo scavo alla comunicazione, in "Emergenza sostenible. Metodi e strategie dell'archeologia urbana. Atti della giornata di studi, Bologna , 27 marzo 2009", a cura di M.T. GUAITOLI, ("I Cardini di Groma" 2), Bologna 2010 (versione e-book);

M. BARBANERA, Metamorfosi delle rovine, Verona 201

M. BARBANERA, Il museo impossibile, Roma 2013

V. TINE' , L. ZEGA (a cura di), "Archeomusei: i musei archeologici in Italia, 2001-2011, Atti del Convegno, Adria 21-22 giugno 2012", Firenze 2013.

  B.2: Experimental Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology:

P. BELLINTANI, L. MOSER (a cura di), "Archeologie sperimentali: metodologie ed esperienze fra verifica, riprouzione, comunicazione e simulazione (Atti del Convegno, Comano Terme-Fiavé, 13-15 settembre 2001)", Trento 2003

M. VIDALE, Che cos'è l'etnoarcheologia, Roma 2004

M. BAROGI, F. LUGLI (a cura di),"2° Convegno Nazionale di Etnoarcheologia, Atti del Convegno, Mondaino 7-8 giugno 2001",  Rimini 2004;

B.3: The archaeologicl Tourism: 

M. MELOTTI, Mediterraneo tra miti e turismo. Per una sociologia del turismo archeologico, Milano 2007

M. MELOTTI, Turismo archelogico: dalle piramidi alle Veneri di plastica, Milano 2008

 Integrated Themes:

"Nuova Muselogia", on line review: www.nuovamuseologia.org and Proceedings of the A.N.M.L.I (Associazione Nazionale Musei Locali Italiani)

Other texts will be suggested during the lessons. An agreement with the teacher is suggested to choose individual bibliography or to replace texts.

Students who have no previous experience first consult the manual: V. Falletti , M. Maggi , I Musei , Bologna 2012, or: G. Scichilone, B. Palma, C.R. Chiarlo, s.v. I Musei e il collezionismo archeologico, “Il Mondo dell’archeologia”, Enciclopedia TRECCANI, 2002 (availables from the Library DiSCi - Archaeology Section, or online)

All texts to suggest, are available in the library of the Department of the History and Cultures -DiSCi - Archaeology Section, or online

Teaching methods

Conventional Lessons, seminars and workshop integrated with a visit to a musems and temporary exhibitions; paper on exhibition project.

The method used is that of lectures; upon completion will be activated seminars on topics and specific issues.Active mediators, such as direct experience throught objects, visits or experiments, and iconic mediators (films, digital devices, photographs etc.) can also be used.

The approach to discipline will be supplemented with visits to exhibitions and museums.

In order, to share a participatory approach and interaction with the professor that has a positive feedbackon the expectation of the students, we will administer a questionnaire inbound, in itinere and final, to assess the feedback and calibrate the course on the real needs of boths knowledge and expectations in professional field. The questionnaire will cover both the expectations, objectives, contents and skills that the students aspire to achive, but also the minitoring of previous knowledge for the possible creation of working groups betwen students whit different skills, to try to fill gaps and respond to the concept of “problem solving” or to submit a “case-study”.

During classes students will be invited to discuss the main issues and deepen one of the favorite topics with suggested readings by the teacher; students will be required in order to verify the knowledge and application of museological tools learned, to develop and propose a project ceiling, on a topic agreed, even applying it tools and three-dimensional models for designing outfits. We recommend the frequency. At the end of the course will be given presentations in PP of the lessons, as guidelines for the preparation of the examen.

As concerns the teaching methods of this course unit, all students must attend Module 1, 2 [https://www.unibo.it/en/services-and-opportunities/health-and-assistance/health-and-safety/online-course-on-health-and-safety-in-study-and-internship-areas] on Health and Safety online, and participation in Module 3 of specific training on safety and health in the workplace. Directions on dates and how to attend Module 3 can be found in the appropriate section of the course of study and/or DiSCi website.

It is also advisable to do a curricular internship at a museum institution by contacting the same lecturer, contact person for the Cds ACMA Internship Committee, or consult the WEB Guides, under: Internships.

The frequency is recommended, in how much important to understand the complexity of the discipline and as orientation in sight of the examination.

Assessment methods

Oral examination, and to discuss one's written paper, for evaluation of the degree of theoretical knowlewdge, critical talent in the discipline, analisys of the archaeological exhibitions, museums, archaeological parks, and the museal planning talent.

Specifically, it requires knowledge of : 1 ) the theoretical and practical foundations of the discipline ; 2 ) the institution's history museum ; 3 ) the museum communication; 4 ) forms of exhibition in the archaeology field . Other aspects will be studied at the discretion of the student.

This usually consists of questions, some  pertaining to  the overview lecture part and reading,  and others related to specific topics examined in the course. The examination is intended to assess the level of knowledge and understanding gained by  students.

The assessment will thus consider the student's:
- knowledge and understanding of the topics covered;
- ability to summarise and analyse themes and concepts;
- familiarity with the terminology associated with the subject and his ability to use it effectively.

Top marks will be awarded to a student displaying an ability to provide an overall understanding of the topics discussed during the lectures, combined with a critical approach to the material and a confident and effective use of the appropriate terminology (30L/30).

Average marks will be awarded to a student who has memorized the main points of the material and is able to summarise them satisfactorily and provide an effective critical commentary, while failing to display a complete command of the appropriate terminology 8from 25 in order).

A student will be deemed to have failed the exam if he displays significant errors in his understanding and failure to grasp the overall outlines of the subject, together with a poor command of the appropriate terminology.

The exam sessions are monthly (except August) and distributed approximately between 15 and 20 of each month.

The students can enroll in the examination through the system Almaesami.

Teaching tools

To use in during to the lessons: slides projector,presentasion (PP), CD-ROM, DVD and photocopies; presentation (PP) is at students disposisional, and the technical schedule for  the final examen paper. 

They will use visual aids (video projector and direct viewing of presentations in computer graphics , CD - Rom and DVD ) , but also any paper documents to facilitate the understanding and the student's approach to the matter . At the end of the lessons we will be given presentations in PP as guidelines for the preparation of the examination and the data model to be used for the preparation of the final thesis .

All teaching materials, as well as recent additions, will be available on the Virtual platform (https://virtuale.unibo.it).

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Maria Teresa Guaitoli


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