Academic Year 2020/2021

Learning outcomes

At the end of the lab, the student:
- is able to move autonomously in applying the specific techniques learned in an autonomous way or within projects organized by institutions;
- knows how to compare with other subjects on how to use and document the techniques learned; - knows how to place the specific knowledge learned in different types of service;
- knows how to evaluate the limits and merits of the technical instruments learnt;
- knows how to transfer the technologies learned into different contexts, making personal modifications and integrations.

Course contents

Talents, artistic and cultural mediators: to practice inclusive education between fragility and resilience

The arts are possible mediators of human relationships. They allow to bring cultures closer together, to rediscover ancient melodies, and can assume multiple functions. They are used in rehabilitation to improve the quality of life and promote well-being in the presence of conditions of vulnerability and disability; they are practiced in educational contexts both as disciplines and through laboratory forms; they are performed in squares to cheer the public and communicate meanings; they are acted in intimacy; and finally interpreted in elitist places, aimed at an audience of experts and enthusiasts. There are many uses, meanings and contexts in which they can be used. The workshop aims to reflect on the possible uses and ways in which artistic and cultural mediators can become tools to recognize talents, skills, establish educational relationships, meet fragility, vulnerability, resilience and build projects and educational paths according to a perspective of human, ecological and social sustainability.


Material provided by the teacher through the elearning hub

Malaguti E. (2020), Educarsi in tempi di crisi. Pedgogia Speciale, resilienza, Processi inclusivi, Intersezioni, Fano, Aras Edizioni

In-depth bibliography not mandatory

Canevaro [https://www.ibs.it/libri/autori/Andrea%20Canevaro] A, (2008), Pietre che affiorano. I mediatori efficaci in educazione con la «logica del domino» Trento, Erickson

Crotti M., (2016), Riconoscersi sulla soglia. Pensare la vulnerabilità per costruire la relazione educativa [https://www.ibs.it/riconoscersi-sulla-soglia-pensare-vulnerabilita-libro-monica-crotti/e/9788820443191] Franco Angeli

Cyrulnik B., (2009) Autobiografia di uno spaventapasseri. Strategie per superare un trauma, Cortina Raffaello

EFA Global Monitoring Report (2015), Education for All, 2000-2015 Achievement end challenges, Paris, UNESCO https://en.unesco.org/gem-report/report/2015/education-all-2000-2015-achievements-and-challenges (ver. 10 /08/2019)

Freire P. (2018) Le virtù dell’educatore, Bologna, EDB

Malaguti E., (a cura di) (2017) Musicalità e pratiche inclusive. Il mediatore musica fra educazione e benessere, Trento, Erickson

Marcoli A. (2004) Passaggi di vita. Le crisi che spingono a crescere, Milano, Mondadori.

Morin E., (2015), Insegnare a vivere. Manifesto per cambiare l'educazione [https://www.ibs.it/insegnare-a-vivere-manifesto-per-libro-edgar-morin/e/9788860307460], Milano, Cortina Raffaello

ONU (2015) Transforming Our World: The 2030 Agenda For Sustainable Development, New York.

Comitato Direzionale della DGCS, Educazione inclusiva delle persone con disabilità e cooperazione allo sviluppo, 2015

(https://www.aics.gov.it/wp-content/uploads/2017/02/Educaz_inclusiva_ITA.pdf ver. 20/03/ 2019)

Stanghellini G., (2006), Antropologia della vulnerabilità, Milano Feltrinelli

Pontiggia G., (2000), Nati due volte, Milano, Mondadori.

Teaching methods

Students are expected to participate through small and large group work activities, analysis of video and paper documentation.

Assessment methods

The workshop includes a constant monitoring of the participation levels of the trainees and a final discussion in small and large groups of the outcomes of the experiences and work produced during the individual meetings.

Teaching tools

Handouts, videos, written and oral sources, testimonies, analysis of projects

Office hours

See the website of Elena Malaguti


Quality education Sustainable cities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.