29942 - History of the Ancient Greek Language (1) (LM)

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Docente: Camillo Neri
  • Credits: 6
  • SSD: L-FIL-LET/02
  • Language: Italian

Learning outcomes

Upon a successful completion of the course, the students acquire specific skills in the analysis and interpretation of texts selected from the archaic age to the formation of the so-called 'common language' that then developed into Modern Greek. They improve: a) their ability to recognise the proper historical setting of a Greek text or document; b) their methodological skills to analyse a text from a historical and linguistic point of view and to establish its relations with other texts and cultural products.

Course contents

Special focus course ('corso monografico')

a) In the name of εἰρήνη: images of peace in Greek literature from Homer to Christianity.

Core course ('parte istituzionale')

b) General rudiments of History of the Greek Language

Lectures Hours: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday 15-17, Room II (30.9.2019-6.11.2019).

Start date: 30.9.2019 (1st semester).

Office Hours: Wednesday, Thursday, Friday 9-13 (at Dept.).

Links: http://www.unibo.it/docenti/camillo.neri


a) Notes from the lectures. One book (or three articles) in the following list: S. Alessandrì, Il valore della pace in Tucidide, in Silvana Cagnazzi-Marcella Chelotti-A. Favuzzi (edd.), «Scritti di storia per Mario Pani», Bari 2011, 15-27; A. Bayet, Pacifisme et christianisme aux premiers siècles, Paris 1934 ; Cinzia Bearzot, Da Andocide ad Eschine. Motivi ed ambiguità del pacifismo ateniese nel IV secolo a.C., «Contributi dell’Istituto di Storia antica dell’Università del Sacro Cuore» XI (1985) 86-107; U. Bultrighini, Il «pacifismo» di Archidamo: Tucidide e i suoi interpreti, «RCCM» XXXIII (1991) 5-28; J. Burkhardt (ed.), Krieg und Frieden in der historischen Gedächtnis­kultur: Studien zur friedenspolitischen Bedeutung historischer Argumente und Jubiläen von der Antike bis in die Gegenwart, München 2000; S. Cataldi-Elisabetta Bianco-G. Cuniberti (edd.), Salvare le poleis, costruire la concordia, progettare la pace, Alessandria 2012 (especially L. Santi Amantini, “Eirene”: una parola dai molti volti, pp. 515-529); P. Contamine-J. Jouanna- M. Zink (edd.), «Colloque La Grèce et la guerre: actes», Paris 2015; D.D. Deagon, Pacifism in Greek and Modern Drama, Tulane 1969; F. De Martino, Omero fra guerra e pace, Bari 1983; Giovanna De Sensi Sestito (ed.), Guerra e pace: persistenze e mutamenti dal conflitto alla ricostruzione. «Secondo workshop organizzato dai ricercatori del Dipartimento di Storia, Università della Calabria, 20-22 gennaio 2010», Soveria Mannelli 2011; R. Farnè, La scuola di Irene. Pace e guerra in educazione, Scandicci (FI) 1989; M. Laemmer, La cosiddetta pace olimpica nell’antichità greca, in Paola Angeli Bernardini (ed.), Lo sport in Grecia, Roma 1988, 119-152; J.L. Espinel Marcos, El pacifismo del Nuevo Testamento, Salamanca 1992; Francesca Gazzano, Fra guerra e pace: note sul lessico greco degli accordi di tregua e armistizio, in Giovanna Daverio Rocchi (ed.), Tra concordia e pace: parole e valori della Grecia antica. «Giornata di studio. Milano, 21 ottobre 2005», Milano 2007, 237-252; J.A.O. Larsen, Federation for peace in ancient Greece, «CPh» (1944) 145-162; G. Manganaro, Pace e guerra nella Sicilia Tardo-Ellenistica e Romana (215 a.C.-14 d.C.): ricerche storiche e numismatiche, Bonn 2012; C.A. Martins de Jesus, The construction of the image of peace in Ancient Greece: a few literary and iconographic evidences, «Synthesis» XVII (2010) 25-46; Pat Patfoort, Costruire la nonviolenza: per una pedagogia dei conflitti, trad. it. Molfetta 20003 (19891); A. Pociña Pérez-J.M. García González (edd.), En Grecia y Roma, IV. La paz y la guerra, Granada 2013; María Dolores Mirón Pérez, Eirene: divinidad, género y paz en Grecia antigua, «DHA» XXX/2 (2004) 9-31; K.A. Raaflaub, War and Peace in the Ancient World, Oxford-Malden (Mass.) 2007; K.A. Raaflaub, Peace in the Ancient World. Concepts and Theories, Chichester-Malden (Mass.) 2016; T.T.B. Ryder, Koine Eirene. General Peace and Local Independence in Ancient Greece, Oxford 1965; G. Sharp, Politica dell'azione nonviolenta, I-II, trad. it. Torino 1985; Amy L. Shuster-D.E. Howes, The pacifism in Plato’s «Republic», «History of Political Thought» XXXVII/3 (2016) 438-460; J.-P. Vernant (ed.), Problèmes de la guerre en Gréce ancienne. «A la mémoire d’André Aymard», Paris 1968; Julia Wilker, Maintaining Peace and Interstate Stability in Archaic and Classical Greece, Mainz 2012. Further bibliography on the discussed texts will be provided during the lectures.

b) Notes from the lectures. One essay in the following list: O. Hoffmann-A. Debrunner-A. Scherer, Storia della lingua greca, trad. it. Napoli, Macchiaroli, 1969; A. Meillet, Lineamenti di storia della lingua greca, trad. it. Torino, Einaudi, 1981 (2a ed.); L.R. Palmer, Greek Language, London, Faber, 1980; V. Pisani, Storia della lingua greca, Torino, Sei, 1960; L. Heilmann, Grammatica storica della lingua greca, Torino, Sei, 1963; O. Szemerényi, Introduzione alla linguistica indoeuropea, a c. di G. Boccali-V. Brugnatelli-M. Negri, Milano, Unicopli, 1985, F. Villar, Gli indoeuropei e le origini dell'Europa, trad. it. Bologna, il Mulino, 1997; W.P. Lehmann, La linguistica indoeuropea. Storia, problemi e metodi, trad. it. Bologna, il Mulino, 1999; A.C. Cassio (ed.), Storia delle lingue letterarie greche, Firenze, Le Monnier-Mondadori, 2016 (2a ed.).

Students who do not attend the lessons are required to bring the same program as regards the institutional part and to define a personalized program, also in the light of their own interests, for the monographic part.

Teaching methods

After some introductory lectures by the teacher and the specimen analysis of selected texts, the lectures will be carried out by the students themselves as presentations (which will test thus the abilities they have developed through the course); the sessions will have a seminar-like form and meant to be moments of real common research, with the familiarisation and the use of the main philological tools (traditional and data processing).

All the material handed out in the lectures will be available afterwards on line at http://www2.classics.unibo.it/Didattica/Programs/20192020/Neri/

Assessment methods

A first assessment will be carried out to begin with in the individual presentations and in the seminars, where the students will be able auto-assess their learning.
The viva voce examination consists of a conversation in which the teacher, through a series of questions, will test the theoretical knowledge and the theoretical-practical methodologies as explained in the lectures.
The students who will not have given a presentation to the class will be required to carry out a linguistic analysis of some texts in the viva voce.

The maximum grade (30L) requires accurate and complete answers to all questions posed during the oral examination. The exam will be deemed to have been passed (with variable evaluation depending on the quality of the answers) if the candidate has answered in a precise and complete manner to most questions. As for the theoretical knowledge and the translation and exegesis of the texts, the metric is the following: outstanding: 30L; excellent: 28-30; good: 25-27; discrete: 22-24; sufficient: 18-21.

For deeply-rooted didactic conviction, I do not propose links to syllabi of questions, which would inevitably end up impoverishing the general preparation of the students. Since exams take place every fifteen days, students who want to experience the actual performance of an exam can attend - as spectators - the exam sessions, which are public.

Teaching tools

PC, video projector, overhead projector, photocopied handouts.

Links to further information


Office hours

See the website of Camillo Neri


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