59285 - Sociology of Multimedia Communication

Academic Year 2019/2020

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Public and Corporate Communication (cod. 8840)

    Also valid for Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Geography and Territorial Processes (cod. 0971)

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course the student knows the peculiarities of the different sources of information and the various forms and mode of mediate computer communication. He/she knows how to plan and carry out a research project on media content and media users. He/she knows how to present research results using multimedia resources.

Course contents

The course focuses on the main social changes due to the spreading of digital media and their massive use.

In detail:

- digital divide and gender digital divide

- a brief history and outline of the effects and social uses of digital media

- the encounter of companies and internet user: between gift economy and market economy

- relevant topics in social media studies (control and surveillance, the effect of digital communication on people's relationships, fake news, etc.)

- the society of the next future (A.I., virtual reality, robots)


Essential reading list:

1) A. Arvidsson, A. Delfanti (nuova edizione 2016) "Introduzione ai media digitali", il Mulino, Bologna (Introduction to Digital Media, new edition 2019).

2) S. Capecchi (nuova edizione 2015) "L'audience 'attiva'. Effetti e usi sociali dei media", Carocci, Roma (par. 2.2.2, 2.7, 3.3 e cap. 4).

3) H. Jenkins, S. Ford, J. Green (2013) "Spreadable media. I media tra condivisione, circolazione, partecipazione", Apogeo Education, Milano (Spreadable media. Creating Value and Meaning in a Networked Culture).

4) Choose a book between:

S. Turkle (2011) "Insieme ma soli. Perché ci aspettiamo sempre più dalla tecnologia e sempre meno dagli altri", trad. it. Codice edizioni, Torino 2012 (Alone Together: Why We Expect More from Technology and Less from Each Other).

Z. Bauman-D. Lyon (2013) "Sesto potere. La sorveglianza nella modernità liquida", trad. it. Laterza, Roma-Bari 2014 (Liquid Surveillance. A Conversation).

P. Dumouchel, L. Damiano (2016), "Vivere con i robot. Saggio sull'empatia artificiale", trad. it. Raffaello Cortina Editore, Milano 2019 (Vivre avec les robots. Essai sur l'empathie artificielle).

L. McIntyre (2018), "Post-verità", trad. it. Utet Università, Torino 2019 (Post-Truth)

Recommended bibliography:

A. Mascio (2008) "Virtuali comunità", Guerini, Milano.

L. Paccagnella, A. Vellar (2016) "Vivere online. Identità, relazioni, conoscenza", Il Mulino, Bologna.

R. Bracciale (2010) "Donne nella rete. Disuguaglianze digitali di genere", Franco Angeli, Milano.

G. Riva (nuova ed. 2016) "I social network", Il Mulino, Bologna.

G. Lovink (2011) "Ossessioni collettive. Critica dei social media", trad. it. Università Bocconi Editore, Milano 2012 (Networks Without A Cause: A Critique of Social Media).

G. Lovink (2016) "L'abisso dei social media. Nuove reti oltre l'economia dei like", trad. it. Università Bocconi Editore, Milano 2016 (Social Media Abyss: Critical Internet Cultures and the Force of Negation).

d. boyd (2014) "It's complicated. La vita sociale degli adolescenti sul web", trad it. Castelvecchi, Roma 2014 (It's Complicated. The Social Lives of Networked Teens).

M.C. Carrozza (2017) "I robot e noi", il Mulino, Bologna.

R. Cingolani, G. Metta (2015) "Umani e umanoidi", il Mulino, Bologna.

Teaching methods

Lectures, case studies, seminars.

Assessment methods

Students attending the course: written exam (four open-ended questions taken from the essential reading list) or an essay of 20.000 words on a topic of your choice within the ones tackled during the course. You will have to discuss your research in class, with a short power point presentation. 

Students not attending the course: written exam (four open-ended questions on the books from the essential reading list).

International students: written exam (or essay of 20.000 words on a topic of your choice) in English, French or Spanish.

Teaching tools

Power point slides, videos.

Office hours

See the website of Saveria Capecchi


Gender equality Reduced inequalities

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.