78437 - Specialized Languages

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Moduli: Cristiana Cervini (Modulo 1) Cristiana Cervini (Modulo 2)
  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures (Modulo 1) Traditional lectures (Modulo 2)
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Interpreting (cod. 8060)

Learning outcomes

The student knows the theoretical and practical issues of specialized languages. S/he is able to understand, analyze and (re) produce oral discourses used in a variety of specialized domains.

Course contents

In the first part of the course, we will discuss the features of the specialised languages and communication, both from a theoretical and applied perspective. We will observe their variations according to different text typologies and discourse genres.
Specialised language features will be investigated on written and oral texts, in formal and informal communicative situations, either in dialogic or monologic contexts. We will focus mainly on textuality, syntax and lexical dimensions. 

Then, we will analyse closely specialised texts coming from different domains - politics, law, science, economy, arts - in order to highlight different discourse strategies, linguistic phenomena, also in a comparative way.

We will exploit authentic material in Italian and/or authentic interpretations in other languages.
We will try to point out the challenges of interpreting a specialised text and to reflect on the strategies to adopt.
This course is part of the integrated course of 'Specialized Communication' focussed on the interlinguistic, intralinguistic and intercultural analysis of different oral and written text typologies.


We suggest reading and studying the essays and articles following the order they are mentioned in the bibliography.
PPTs and other materials used during the lessons are part of the program.

Gualdo, R. & Telve, S. (2011), Linguaggi specialistici dell’italiano, Roma: Carocci editore. [Cap. 1, Il campo di ricerca, pp. 17-46 e pp. 107-136./tot. 58 pp.]

Lavinio, C., (2004), Comunicazione e linguaggi disciplinari, Roma: Carocci editore. [Cap. 5 – I linguaggi delle scienze e delle discipline specialistiche, pp. 93-121, tot. 28 pp. e Cap. 6 – La comprensione dei testi, pp. 123-144, tot. 21 pp.]

Petrilli. R., (2015), La lingua politica, lessico e strutture argomentative, Roma: Carocci Editore. [Cap. 1 – Lessico e pragmatica del linguaggio politico, pp. 15-44, tot. 29 pp.]

Gualdo, R. & Telve, S. (2011), Linguaggi specialistici dell’italiano, Roma: Carocci editore [un capitolo a scelta tra ‘Il linguaggio della medicina’ (cap. 4) e ‘Il linguaggio dell’economia’ (cap. 5)].

Suggested readings (not compulsory)
For information purpose only, we suggest some integrative readings if you need to deepen some of these topics.

Cavagnoli, S. (2014), La comunicazione specialistica, Roma: Carocci Editore.
Cortelazzo, M.A. (2000), “Le lingue speciali: le dimensioni verticale e orizzontale”, in Id., Italiano d’oggi, Padova: Esedra, pp. 25-36.
De Martin, M.P., (1994), “Dalla parola all'immagine: il linguaggio della critica d'arte: per la traduzione di una 'traduzione'”, in Traduzione, società e cultura, 4 (a cura di Scarpa, F. e De Mauro, T.). [pp. 1-18, tot. 17 pp.].
Garzone, G., Viezzi, M. (2001), Comunicazione specialistica e interpretazione di conferenza, Trieste, Edizioni Università di Trieste.
Gualdo, R. & Telve, S. (2011), Linguaggi specialistici dell’italiano, Roma: Carocci editore [cap. 4 – Il linguaggio della medicina e cap. 5 – Il linguaggio dell’economia].
Prandi, M. (2010), “Lessico naturale e lessici di specialità: tra descrizione e normalizzazione”, in F. Bertaccini, S. Castagnoli & F. La Forgia (a cura di), Terminologia a colori, Bologna: BUP, pp. 53-84.
Sobrero, Alberto A. (1993), “Lingue speciali”, in Id. (a cura di), Introduzione all’italiano contemporaneo, Roma – Bari: Laterza, vol. 2º (La variazione e gli usi), pp. 237-277.

Teaching methods

Lecturing, workshops, and practical work on texts.
Students active participation is requested.

Assessment methods

The examination consists of an oral examination which is aimed at evaluating:
i) students’ knowledge on specialized language theories;
ii) students' ability to analyse a specialized oral or written text;
iii) students' ability to predict and point out most probable issues in interpreting a specialized text and to show adequate coping strategies.

The final evaluation will also take into consideration students' clarity and precision during the oral speech, as well as critical reflection.

More details on the features of the oral exam will be available at the beginning of the course.

Teaching tools

PPTs, Internet, Videos, e-learning platform (Moodle).

Office hours

See the website of Cristiana Cervini


Quality education

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.