75429 - Non profit law

Academic Year 2018/2019

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Forli
  • Corso: Second cycle degree programme (LM) in Management for Social Economy (cod. 8843)

Learning outcomes

Students will be provided with a comprehensive and comparative understanding of the role of non profit organisations as providers of services of general interest, including social and health care services. Students will also be enabled to understand the specific relationships between public authorities and non profit organisations.

Course contents

The Course on the role that non profit organisations and social enterprises carry out in the provision of services of general interest, such as social and health care servises. The analysis will include a comparative overview of non profit enterprises in the European Union. The Course will also be concerned with the role of NGOs engaged in the delivery of health services to migrants.

1. EU law and social enterprises

2. Non profit organisations, social enterprises and the 2016 Non Profit Reform Act 

3. The legal relationships between public authorities and non profit organisations

4. The Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)


Alceste SANTUARI, Le organizzazioni non profit e le forme di partnership con gli enti pubblici nella Riforma del Terzo settore, Bononia University Press, Bologna, 2018, Parts I, II, III and IV (only from page 253 through p. 273).

Alceste SANTUARI, The provision of health care services to migrants in times of welfare crisis: a new role for Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs)? The case of the Italian health and legal system, in Rivista del Diritto della Sicurezza Sociale (RDSS), n. 4/2017, pp. 715-738.

Additional references:

Alceste SANTUARI, I servizi sociali e socio sanitari nel contesto europeo, in M. SESTA (a cura di), L’erogazione della prestazione medica tra diritto alla salute, principio di autodeterminazione e gestione ottimale delle risorse sanitarie, Sezione Seconda “I livelli essenziali delle prestazioni socio-sanitarie: profili istituzionali nazionale ed europeo, sostenibilità e tutela dell’utente, Maggioli, Rimini, 2014, pp. 545-594.

Antonio FICI (a cura di), La Riforma del Terzo settore e dell’impresa sociale. Una introduzione, Editoriale Scientifica, 2018, i seguenti capitoli: Parte I: Giulio Ponzanelli e Veronica Montani, Dal “groviglio di leggi speciali” al Codice del terzo settore (pp. 31 ss.); Antonio Fici, Fonti della disciplina, nozione e governance degli enti del terzo settore (pp. 83 ss.); Valentina Maria Marcelli, L’ente del terzo settore e l’esercizio di attività d’impresa, pp. 123 ss.; Parte II: Antonio Fici, La nuova impresa sociale, pp. 343 ss.

Alceste SANTUARI, Dalla mutualità interna alla mutualità esterna: la visione del giurista, in A. MATACENA, Le cooperative imprese “altere”. Mission, governance e accountability, FrancoAngeli, 2017, pp. 195-226

Teaching methods

Traditional and law cases.

Assessment methods

Oral exam. Interviews are aimed both at testing the understanding/knowledge of the various topics and individual's critical analysis

Teaching tools

Bibliography, papers, links to relevant research projects and official documents, as well as slides referred to single lectures will be available on professor's personal website.

Office hours

See the website of Alceste Santuari


No poverty Good health and well-being Partnerships for the goals

This teaching activity contributes to the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals of the UN 2030 Agenda.