02359 - General Pathology and Physiopathology (AK-A)

Academic Year 2017/2018

  • Teaching Mode: Traditional lectures
  • Campus: Bologna
  • Corso: Single cycle degree programme (LMCU) in Medicine and Surgery (cod. 8415)

Learning outcomes

The students will learn the etiology of the disease processes, the pathogenetic mechanism of their development, the basic reactions to abnormal stimuli and the morphological changes they induce in cells and tissues, together with the systemic and functional consequences for the organism. By the elaboration of molecular, morphologic, microbiologic and immunologic knowledges, the students will understand the wherefores of the signs and symptoms manifested by patients and will be provided with a sound foundation for evidence based medicine.

Course contents

1. Environmental pathology: thermal injuries, pneumoconioses, tobacco smoking and alcohol abuse, pathogenesis of infectious diseases, endotoxin, diphteria, cholera, tetanus and botulism exotoxins.

2. Cellular and extracellular pathology: cellular adaptations, reversible cell injury, cellular swelling and fatty change, necrosis, apoptosis, pathologic calcification, amyloidosis.

3. Inflammatory-reparative response: etiology and classification of acute inflammation, chemical mediators, vascular changes and exudate formation, cellular events and phagocytosis, chronic and granulomatous inflammation, pathogenesis of tuberculosis, tissue repair and wound healing, fibrosis, cirrhosis.

4. General physiopathology:hemostasis and hemorrhagic diseases, thrombosis and embolism, pathogenesis of shock and hypertension, risk factors of atherosclerosis, formation of atheromatous plaque and related consequences, pathogenesis of infarction, hypoxia and cyanosis, etiopathogenesis of fever, edema and diabetes mellitus.


V. Kumar, A.K. Abbas, J.C. Aster. “Robbins & Cotran - Pathologic Basis of Disease, 9th edition, 2015, Elsevier Ed.

Pontieri G.M., Russo M.A., Frati L. “Patologia Generale e Fisiopatologia Generale", V Edizione, 2015, Piccin Editore

Teaching methods

The course includes 64 hours of lessons on environmental, cellular and extracellular pathology, inflammatory-reparative response and general physiopathology.

Assessment methods

The learning level will be assessed at the end of classes. The examination will include two questions to ascertain the knowledge the student has about the program subjects and his/her ability to discuss the etiopathogenesis and general physiopathology of studied subjects. One of the two questions will include a practical microscopy test to assess the learning of the General Pathology Laboratory. The on line registration to the examination is mandatory.

Teaching tools

Slides containing schemes and figures will be projected during lessons. This educational material is available online at Alm@-DL [http://almadl.cib.unibo.it/] AMS Campus: http://campus.cib.unibo.it/cgi/lista, search by teacher.

Office hours

See the website of Andrea Bolognesi