82511 - AFP Research Project in Psychometrics (Erasmus)

Academic Year 2016/2017

Learning outcomes

At the end of the course, the student has a sufficient knowledge of the methods for the data analysis in the psychological field to choose the appropriate statistical analysis and to interpret the corresponding outcomes.

Course contents

The course will take place during the second semester (from February to May) at the Cesena Campus of the School of Psychology and Education (address: piazza A. Moro, 90).


·  Statistical inference

·  Probability definitions

·  Probability properties

Statistical Parameters

·  Descriptives statistics

·  Probability distribution

·  Probability density

·  Statistical distributions: Binomial, Normal, Chi square, t, F

Statistical Test

·  Basis of the statistical testing

·  Null hypothesis

·  Significance

·  Power

·  Sample size

Parametric Tests

·  Student t-test

·  Analysis of variance

·  Regression analysis

·  Repeated measures analysis

·  Multivariate analysis

·  The General Linear Model

Non-parametric tests

·  Contingency tables

·  Sign test

·  Rank tests


Howitt D. Cramer D. (2014) Intoduzione alla Statistica per Psicologia (a cura di Bolzani, Benassi, Rossi). Pearson, Milano-Torino.

Teaching methods

Frontal lessons and seminars of discussion organized in groups.

Assessment methods

The exam consists of a written test to check the achievement of the abilities described in the learning outcomes. The candidate is asked to study the topics related to the statistical testing logic, their procedures and their assumptions.

The written exam consists of 31 multiple choice questions  (time 50 minutes).

The student is required to complete the online registration within the terms in order to be admitted to the exam. In the case of technical problems the student is required to contact the docent by e-mail. The docent will consider the request and decide about the admission.



Teaching tools

The frontal lessons are supported by different materials:

- Books

- Scientific articles

Office hours

See the website of Mariagrazia Benassi