Nissen, Lorenzo; Aniballi, Camilla; Casciano, Flavia; Elmi, Alberto; Ventrella, Domenico; Zannoni, Augusta; Gianotti, Andrea; Bacci, Maria Laura, Maternal amoxicillin affects piglets colon microbiota: microbial ecology and metabolomics in a gut model, «APPLIED MICROBIOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2022, 106, pp. 7595 - 7614 [articolo]Open Access
Nissen Lorenzo, Casciano Flavia, Di Nunzio Mattia, Bordoni Alessandra, Gianotti Andrea, Protein enrichment of gluten free bakery products by Arthrospira platensis (spirulina): in vitro study of the effect of formulation and sourdough process on colon microbiota through MICODE gut model, in: FoodMicro 2022 Next Generation Challenges in Food Microbiology, 2022, pp. 93 - 93 (atti di: FoodMicro 2022 Next Generation Challenges in Food Microbiology, Atene, Grecia, 28/08/2022 - 31/08/2022) [Contributo in Atti di convegno]
Casciano, Flavia; Mayr, Hannah; Nissen, Lorenzo; Putti, Andreas; Zoli, Federica; Gianotti, Andrea; Conterno, Lorenza, Red Beetroot Fermentation with Different Microbial Consortia to Develop Foods with Improved Aromatic Features, «FOODS», 2022, 11, Article number: 3055, pp. 1 - 16 [articolo]Open Access
Nissen L.; Casciano F.; Chiarello E.; Di Nunzio M.; Bordoni A.; Gianotti A., Colonic in vitro model assessment of the prebiotic potential of bread fortified with polyphenols rich olive fiber, «NUTRIENTS», 2021, 13, Article number: 787, pp. 1 - 17 [articolo]Open Access
Casciano, Flavia; Nissen, Lorenzo; Gianotti, Andrea, Effect of formulations and fermentation processes on volatile organic compounds and prebiotic potential of gluten-free bread fortified by spirulina (Arthrospira platensis), «FOOD & FUNCTION», 2021, 12, pp. 10226 - 10238 [articolo]Open Access
Nissen, Lorenzo; Valerii, Maria Chiara; Spisni, Enzo; Casciano, Flavia; Gianotti, Andrea, Multiunit In Vitro Colon Model for the Evaluation of Prebiotic Potential of a Fiber Plus D-Limonene Food Supplement, «FOODS», 2021, 10, Article number: 2371, pp. 1 - 21 [articolo]Open Access
Nissen, Lorenzo; Casciano, Flavia; Gianotti, Andrea, Plant Volatiles of Lettuce and Chicory Cultivated in Aquaponics Are Associated to Their Microbial Community, «MICROORGANISMS», 2021, 9, Article number: 580, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]Open Access
Nissen, Lorenzo; Casciano, Flavia; Babini, Elena; Gianotti, Andrea, Prebiotic potential and bioactive volatiles of hemp byproduct fermented by lactobacilli, «LEBENSMITTEL-WISSENSCHAFT + TECHNOLOGIE», 2021, 151, Article number: 112201, pp. 1 - 9 [articolo]Open Access
Nissen L.; Casciano F.; Babini E.; Gianotti A., The exploitation of a hempseed byproduct to produce flavorings and healthy food ingredients by a fermentation process, «MICROORGANISMS», 2021, 9, Article number: 2418, pp. 1 - 14 [articolo]Open Access
Nissen, L.; Casciano, F.; Gianotti, A., Volatilome changes during probiotic fermentation of combined soy and rice drinks, «FOOD & FUNCTION», 2021, 12, pp. 3159 - 3169 [articolo]Open Access
Leonardo Setti, Seyedeh Parya Samaei, Irene Maggiore, Lorenzo Nissen, Andrea Gianotti, Elena Babini, Comparing the effectiveness of three different biorefinery processes at recovering bioactive products from hemp (Cannabis sativa L.) byproduct, «FOOD AND BIOPROCESS TECHNOLOGY», 2020, 13, pp. 2156 - 2171 [articolo]Open Access
Lorenzo Nissen, Seyedeh Parya Samaei, Elena Babini, Andrea Gianotti, Gluten free sourdough bread enriched with cricket flour for protein fortification: Antioxidant improvement and Volatilome characterization, «FOOD CHEMISTRY», 2020, 333, Article number: 127410, pp. 1 - 13 [articolo]Open Access
Nissen, Lorenzo; Casciano, Flavia; Gianotti, Andrea, Intestinal fermentation in vitro models to study food-induced gut microbiota shift: an updated review, «FEMS MICROBIOLOGY LETTERS», 2020, 367, Article number: fnaa097, pp. 1 - 10 [articolo]
Babini, Elena; Taneyo-Saa, Danielle Laure; Tassoni, Annalisa; Ferri, Maura; Kraft, Axel; Grän-Heedfeld, Jürgen; Bretz, Karlheinz; Roda, Aldo; Michelini, Elisa; Calabretta, Maria Maddalena; Guillon, Fabien; Tagliazucchi, Davide; Martini, Serena; Nissen, Lorenzo; Gianotti, Andrea, Microbial Fermentation of Industrial Rice-Starch Byproduct as Valuable Source of Peptide Fractions with Health-Related Activity, «MICROORGANISMS», 2020, 8, Article number: 986, pp. 1 - 16 [articolo]Open Access
Accinelli, Cesare; Abbas, Hamed K.; Bruno, Veronica; Nissen, Lorenzo; Vicari, Alberto; Bellaloui, Nacer; Little, Nathan S.; Thomas Shier, W., Persistence in soil of microplastic films from ultra-thin compostable plastic bags and implications on soil Aspergillus flavus population, «WASTE MANAGEMENT», 2020, 113, pp. 312 - 318 [articolo]Open Access