Matteo Gigli;Andrea Negroni;Michelina Soccio;Giulio Zanaroli;Nadia Lotti;Fabio Fava;Andrea Munari, Enzymatic hydrolysis studies on novel eco-friendly aliphatic thiocopolyesters, «POLYMER DEGRADATION AND STABILITY», 2013, 98, pp. 934 - 942 [Scientific article]
Raddadi N; Cherif A; Daffonchio D; Fava F, Halo-alkalitolerant and thermostable cellulases with improved tolerance to ionic liquids and organic solvents from Paenibacillus tarimensis isolated from the Chott El Fejej, Sahara desert, Tunisia., «BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY», 2013, 150, pp. 121 - 128 [Scientific article]
L. Bertin; S. Grilli; A. Spagni; F. Fava, Innovative two-stage anaerobic process for effective codigestion of cheese whey and cattle manure, «BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY», 2013, 128, pp. 779 - 783 [Scientific article]
Fabio Fava; Giulio Zanaroli; Lucia Vannini; Elisabetta Guerzoni; Alessandra Bordoni; Davide Viaggi; Jim Robertson; Keith Waldron; Carlos Bald; Aintzane Esturo; Clara Talens; Itziar Tueros; Marta Cebrián; András Sebők; Tunde Kuti; Jan Broeze; Marta Macias; Hans-Georg Brendle, New advances in the integrated management of food processing by-products in Europe: sustainable exploitation of fruit and cereal processing by-products with the production of new food products (NAMASTE EU), «NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2013, 30, pp. 647 - 655 [Scientific article]
R. Verdini; F.Aulenta; M. Petrangeli Papini; M. Majone; I. Di Somma; D. Spasiano;R. Marotta; R. Andreozzi; L. Bertin; F.Fava; D. Frascari; D. Pinelli; M. Nocentini; S. Milia; A. Carucci; R. Porcu; V. Tandoi; S. Rossetti, Processi innovativi per il risanamento sostenibile di acque sotterranee contaminate da composti clorurati, in: Xenobiotici e contaminanti emergenti. L’analisi, il controllo ed il trattamento nelle acque reflue civili, industriali e di falda, Venezia, Consorzio Interuniversitario Nazionale Chimica e Tecnologie per l'Ambiente (INCA), 2013, pp. 283 - 340 [Chapter or essay]
Matilde Monti; Lorenzo Bertin; Alberto Scoma; Fabio Fava, Production of biohydrogen and volatile fatty acids from dephenolized olive mill wastewaters in a sequential two-step anaerobic process, «ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL», 2013, 12, pp. 85 - 88 [Abstract]
Gonzalo Agustin Martinez; Alberto Scoma; Stefano Rebecchi; Lorenzo Bertin; Gerhart Braunegg; Fabio Fava, Production of polyhydroxyalkanoates by Cupriavidus necator from treated olive mill wastewater, «ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL», 2013, 12, pp. 97 - 100 [Abstract]
Joana Margarida Bendada Domingos; Gonzalo Agustin Martinez; Alberto Scoma; Lorenzo Bertin; Maria A.M. Reis; Fabio Fava, Production of volatile fatty acids from cheese whey with immobilized cells, «ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL», 2013, 12, pp. 101 - 104 [Abstract]
Durante L.; Scoma A.; Fava F.; Tassoni A., Produzione di idrogeno con Chalmydomonas reihardtii: biofotolisi ad alte intensità luminose nel ceppo mutante a fenotipo antenna ridotta L1591-N230Y, in: Gruppi di lavoro Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare e Biotecnologie e Differenziamento, Società Botanica Italiana, 2013, pp. 18 - 19 (atti di: Riunione annuale gruppi di lavoro Biologia Cellulare e Molecolare e Biotecnologie e Differenziamento, Società Botanica Italiana, Ferrara, 17-19 Giugno 2013) [Abstract]
Coordination of a Research Project: Progetto ministeriale MIPAAF 2009 “EXTRAVALORE” (Valorizzazione dei sottoprodotti della filiera del biodiesel).
Dario Frascari;Giulio Zanaroli;Giacomo Bucchi;Antonella Rosato;Nasrin Tavanaie;Serena Fraraccio;Davide Pinelli;Fabio Fava, Trichloroethylene aerobic cometabolism by suspended and immobilized butane-growing microbial consortia: A kinetic study, «BIORESOURCE TECHNOLOGY», 2013, 144, pp. 529 - 538 [Scientific article]
G. Zanaroli; A. Balloi; A. Negroni; L. Borruso; D. Daffonchio; F. Fava, A Chloroflexi bacterium dechlorinates polychlorinated biphenyls in marine sediments under in situ-like biogeochemical conditions, «JOURNAL OF HAZARDOUS MATERIALS», 2012, 209-210, pp. 449 - 457 [Scientific article]
L. Bertin; C. Bettini; G. Zanaroli; D. Frascari; F. Fava, A continuous-flow approach for the development of an anaerobic consortium capable of an effective biomethanization of a mechanically sorted-organic fraction of municipal solid waste as the sole substrate, «WATER RESEARCH», 2012, 46, pp. 413 - 424 [Scientific article]
Scoma A.; Fava F.; Bertin L., A multi-step physicochemical-biotechnological approach for the valorization of olive mill wastewaters, in: PROCEEDINGS OF THE 4TH INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON ENGINEERING FOR WASTE AND BIOMASS VALORISATION, ALBI, Ecole des Mines d'Albi, 2012, pp. 509 - 514 (atti di: WasteEng12: 4th International Conference on Engineering for Waste and Biomass Valorisation, Porto (Portugal), September 10 – 13, 2012) [Contribution to conference proceedings]
L. Bertin; C. Bettini; G. Zanaroli; S. Fraraccio; A. Negroni; F. Fava, Acclimation of an anaerobic consortium capable of an effective biomethanization of mechanically-sorted organic fraction of municipal solid waste through a semi-continuous enrichment procedure, «JOURNAL OF CHEMICAL TECHNOLOGY AND BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2012, 87(9), pp. 1312 - 1319 [Scientific article]