Main ongoing research projects
• Development
and assessment of non-conventional bioreactors (i.e.,
packed-bed biofilm reactors) for the decontamination of industrial
wastewaters contaminated by chemical surfactants, phenols or
• Development
and assessment of innovative strategies and reactor configurations
(solid and semisolid-phase reactors) for the bioremediation of
soils contaminated by PCBs and hydrocarbons;
• Detection and
characterization of microbial degradation processes vs.
chloro-organics in progress in situ in anaerobic soils and
• Development
and assessment of innovative biotechnological processes for the
biogasification (with CH4 and/or H2 production) of
agro-industrial effluents, wastes and surplus;
• Development
and characterization of new biocatalysts for the production of
“fine chemicals”, such as bio-vanillin, from agrochemical residues
and surplus and development and assessment of different bioreactor
systems for exploiting their activity;
• Development
and characterization of innovative anaerobic-aerobic biotech
processes for the production of microbial polymers, such as
polyhydroxyalkanotes, from agro-industrial effluents and
- European and national R&I and policies sustaining the circular and rigenerative Bioeconomy.