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Publications prior to 2004
Full peer-reviewed international papers published from
2001 to 2003
1) Fava F. , Di Gioia D. (2001) Soya lecithin
effects on the aerobic biodegradation of polychlorinated biphenyls
in an artificially-contaminated soil”. Biotechnology &
Bioengineering 72:177-184
This paper received the “best paper award 2001” from
the American Oil Chemists' Society (AOCS)
2) Villarante, N.R., Armenante P.M., Quibuyen,
T.A.O., Fava F., Kafkewitz D. (2001) Dehalogenation of
dichloroethene in a contaminated soil: fatty acids and alcohols as
electron donors and an apparent requirement for tetrachloroethene.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology, 55:
3) Di Gioia D., Bertin L., Fava F., Marchetti L.
(2001) Biodegradation of hydroxylated and methoxylated benzoic,
phenylacetic and phenylpropenoic acids present in olive mill
wastewaters by two bacterial strains. Research in
Microbiology 152:83-93
4) Di Gioia D., Fava F., Bertin L., Marchetti L.
(2001) Biodegradation of synthetic and natural occurring mixtures
of mono-cyclic aromatic compounds present in olive mill wastewaters
by two aerobic bacteria. Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology,
55: 619-626
5) Bertin L., Majone M., Di Gioia D., Fava F. (2001)
An aerobic fixed-phase biofilm reactor system for the degradation
of the low-molecular weight aromatic compounds occurring in the
effluents of anaerobic digestors treating olive mill wastewaters.
Journal of Biotechnology, 87:161-177
6) Fedi S., Carnevali M., Fava F., Andracchio A.,
Zappoli S., Zannoni D. (2001) Biodegradative activities and
hybridization analysis of fifteen aerobic bacterial strains
isolated from a chronically polychlorinated biphenyl (PCB)
contaminated site. Research in Microbiology
7) Fava F. , Piccolo A. (2002) Effects of humic
substances on the bioavailability and aerobic biodegradation of
polychlorinated biphenyls in a model soil. Biotechnology &
Bioengineering, 77:204-211
8) Fava F., Ciccotosto F.V. (2002) Effects of
Randomly Methylated- -Cyclodextrins (RAMEB) on the
bioavailability and aerobic biodegradation of polychlorinated
biphenyls in three pristine soils spiked with a transformer oil.
Applied Microbiology and Biotechnology
9) Demnerova, K., Mackova M., Pazlarova J.,
Vosahlikova M., Novakova H., Jindrova E., Ryslava E., Macek T.,
Vrchotova N., Brenner V., Pavlu L., Totevova S., Kristoffer T.,
Focht D.D., Fava F., Di Gioia D., Marchetti L, Fletcher J.S., Leigh
M.B., Kucerova P., Stiborova H., Mateju V., Sobotka M., Kastanek
F., Kastanek P., Kasak L. (2002) PCB-Approaches to possible removal
from the environment. In: (Eds. Reible D., Demnerova K.)
“Innovative Approaches to the On-Site Assessment and Remediation of
Contaminated Sites”. NATO Science Series, IV Earth and
Environmental Sciences- Vol. 15, Kluwer Academic Publishers, The
Netherlands . Pages 217-263
10) Di Gioia D., Barberio C, Spagnesi S., Marchetti
L., Fava F. (2002) Characterisation of four olive-mill wastewater
indigenous bacteria capable of aerobically degrading hydroxylated-
and methoxylated-monocyclic aromatic compounds. Archives of
Microbiology 178: 208-217
11) Zanaroli G., Fedi S, Carnevali M, Fava F,
Zannoni D. (2002) Use of potassium tellurite for testing survival
and viability of Pseudomonas pseudoalcaligenes KF707 in soil
microcosms contaminated with polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs).
Research in Microbiology 153:353-360
12) Fava F. , Di Gioia D., Marchetti L., Fenyvesi
E., Szejtli J. (2002) Randomly methylated -cyclodextrins (RAMEB)
enhance the aerobic biodegradation of polychlorinated biphenyls in
aged-contaminated soils. Journal Inclusion Phenomena and
Macrocyclic Chemistry 44, 417-421
13) Fava F. , Bertin L., Fedi S., Zannoni D. (2003)
Methyl--cyclodextrin enhanced solubilization and aerobic
biodegradation of polychlorinated biphenyls in two
aged-contaminated soils. Biotechnology and Bioengineering 81:
14) Fava, F . Zanaroli G., Young LY. (2003)
Microbial reductive dechlorination of pre-existing PCBs and spiked
2,3,4,5,6-pentachlorobiphenyl in anaerobic slurries of a
contaminated sediment of Venice Lagoon (Italy). FEMS Microbiology
Ecology 44: 309-318
15) Fava F ., Gentilucci S., Zanaroli G. (2003)
Anaerobic biodegradation of weathered polychlorinated biphenyls
(PCBs) in contaminated sediments of Porto Marghera (Venice Lagoon,
Italy). Chemosphere 53: 101-109
16) Baldi F., Pepi M., Fava F. (2003) Growth of
Rhodosporidium toruloides strain DBVPG 6662 on dibenzothiophene
crystals and orimulsion. Applied Environmental
Microbiology 69: 4689-4696