Foto del docente

Fabio Fava

Full Professor

Department of Civil, Chemical, Environmental, and Materials Engineering

Academic discipline: CEAR-02/A Sanitary and Environmental Engineering


L.Sciubba; L.Cavani; A.Negroni; G.Zanaroli; F.Fava; C.Ciavatta; C.Marzadori, Changes in the functional properties of a sandy loam soil amended with biosolids at different application rates, «GEODERMA», 2014, 221-222, pp. 40 - 49 [Scientific article]

Dario Frascari;Giacomo Bucchi;Francesco Doria;Antonella Rosato;Nasrin Tavanaie;Raffaele Salviulo;Roberta Ciavarelli;Davide Pinelli;Serena Fraraccio;Giulio Zanaroli;Fabio Fava, Development of an attached-growth process for the on-site bioremediation of an aquifer polluted by chlorinated solvents, «BIODEGRADATION», 2014, 25, pp. 337 - 350 [Scientific article]

1. A. Rosato; D. Frascari; G. Bucchi; F. Doria; R. Salviulo; N. Tavanaie; F. Adrian Potra; R. Ciavarelli; D. Pinelli; S. Fraraccio; G. Zanaroli; F. Fava, Aerobic cometabolic bioremediation of trichloroethylene- and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane-contaminated groundwater in a packed bed bioreactor, in: Proceedings of the 2nd European Symposium on Water Technology and Management, Mol, VITO nv Publisher, 2013, pp. 42 - 47 (atti di: Second European Symposium on Water Technology and Management, Leuven, Belgium, 20-21 November 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Massimo Marzorati;Andrea Negroni;Fabio Fava;Willy Verstraete;Nico Boon, Application of a molecular based approach for the early detection of short term 3-chloroaniline shock loads on activated sludge bacterial community and functionality, «NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2013, 30, pp. 763 - 771 [Scientific article]

Stefano Rebecchi; Lorenzo Bertin; Veronica Vallini; Giacomo Bucchi; Fabrizio Bartocci; Fabio Fava, Biomethane production from grape pomaces: A technical feasibility study, «ENVIRONMENTAL ENGINEERING AND MANAGEMENT JOURNAL», 2013, 12, pp. 105 - 108 [Abstract]

Daffonchio D; Ferrer M; Mapelli F; Cherif A; Lafraya A; Malkawi H I; Yakimov MM; Abdel-Fattah; YR; Blaghen M; Golyshin PN; Kalogerakis N; Boon N; Magagnini M; Fava F, Bioremediation of Southern Mediterranean oil polluted sites comes of age, «NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2013, 30, pp. 743 - 748 [Scientific article]

Nuzzo A.; Andria Y.; Zanaroli G.; Fava F., Biostimulation of microbial reductive dechlorination of polychlorinated biphenyls in marine sediments of the Venice Lagoon, in: ECOMONDO 2013. Atti dei seminari. GREEN ECONOMY: RICERCA, INNOVAZIONE E SIMBIOSI INDUSTRIALE. RECLAIM EXPO 2013 - CONVEGNO., Rimini, MAGGIOLI EDITORE, 2013, pp. 466 - 471 (atti di: RECLAIM EXPO 2013, Rimini, 6-9 novembre 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Roberta Guerra; Tatiane Combi; Andrea Nuzzo; Giulio Zanaroli; Fabio Fava, Changes in metal partitioning during anaerobic biodegradation of polychlorinated biphenyls in co-contaminated sediments, in: ECOMONDO 2013. Atti dei seminari. GREEN ECONOMY: RICERCA, INNOVAZIONE E SIMBIOSI INDUSTRIALE. RECLAIM EXPO 2013 - CONVEGNO., Rimini, MAGGIOLI EDITORE, 2013, pp. 454 - 459 (atti di: ECOMONDO the platform for green solutions, Rimini, 6-9 novembre 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

Dario Frascari; Giacomo Bucchi; Francesco Doria; Antonella Rosato; Nasrin Tavanaie; Roberta Ciavarelli; Davide Pinelli; Serena Fraraccio; Giulio Zanaroli; Fabio Fava, DEVELOPMENT OF A BIOFILM ON-SITE PROCESS FOR THE AEROBIC COMETABOLIC BIOREMEDIATION OF A GROUNDWATER CONTAMINATED BY TRICHLOROETHYLENE AND 1,1,2,2-TETRACHLOROETHANE, in: Proceedings of the 7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management, 2013, pp. - - - (atti di: 7th International Conference on Environmental Engineering and Management, Vienna, 18-21 September 2013) [Abstract]

A. Rosato; D. Frascari; G. Bucchi; F. Doria; S. Lei; V. Spaggiari; N. Tavanaie; F. Adrian Potra; R. Ciavarelli; D. Pinelli; S. Fraraccio; G. Zanaroli; F. Fava, Development of an attached-growth process for the bioremediation of trichloroethylene- and 1,1,2,2-tetrachloroethane-contaminated groundwater, in: Green economy: ricerca, innovazione e simbiosi industriale. Atti del Convegno Ecomndo 2013, Rimini, Maggioli Editore, 2013, pp. 472 - 476 (atti di: Green economy: ricerca, innovazione e simbiosi industriale - Ecomondo 2013, Rimini, 6-9 Novembre 2013) [Contribution to conference proceedings]

A. Scoma; L. Bertin; F. Fava, Effect of hydraulic retention time on biohydrogen and volatile fatty acids production during acidogenic digestion of dephenolized olive mill wastewaters, «BIOMASS & BIOENERGY», 2013, 48, pp. 51 - 58 [Scientific article]

Federico Aulenta; Roberta Verdini; Marco Zeppilli; Giulio Zanaroli; Fabio Fava; Simona Rossetti; Mauro Majone, Electrochemical stimulation of microbial cis-dichloroethene (cis-DCE) oxidation by an ethene-assimilating culture, «NEW BIOTECHNOLOGY», 2013, 30, pp. 749 - 755 [Scientific article]

Karen De Roy;Massimo Marzorati;Andrea Negroni;Olivier Thas;Annalisa Balloi;Fabio Fava;Willy Verstraete;Daniele Daffonchio;Nico Boon, Environmental conditions and community evenness determine the outcome of biological invasion, «NATURE COMMUNICATIONS», 2013, 4, Article number: 1383 , pp. 1 - 5 [Scientific article]

Patent n. US 8,398,759, Environmental friendly anti-microbial adhesion agents for anti-fouling paints and anti-fouling paints containing them..

Matteo Gigli;Andrea Negroni;Giulio Zanaroli;Nadia Lotti;Fabio Fava;Andrea Munari, Environmentally friendly PBS-based copolyesters containing PEG-like subunit: Effect of block length on solid-state properties and enzymatic degradation, «REACTIVE & FUNCTIONAL POLYMERS», 2013, 73, pp. 764 - 771 [Scientific article]

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