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Enrico Valli

Professore associato

Dipartimento di Scienze e Tecnologie Agro-Alimentari

Settore scientifico disciplinare: AGRI-07/A Scienze e tecnologie alimentari


Enrico Valli, Diego Luis García-González, Ramon Aparicio-Ruiz, Enrico Casadei, Sara Barbieri, Alessandra Bendini, Tullia Gallina Toschi, Combined approaches for the sensory “targetization” of volatile compounds in virgin olive oils by SPME-GC-FID, in: 16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo. Book of Abstract., 2018, pp. 52 - 52 (atti di: Fats, oils and lipids: science, technology and nutrition in a changing world : 16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo., Belfast, 16-19 September 2018) [atti di convegno-abstract]Open Access

Palagano R., Bendini A., Valli E., Tura M., Pérez-Camino M. C., Joffre F., Lacoste F., Moreda W., Gallina Toschi T., Determination of fatty acids ethyl esters in virgin olive oils: proposals to enhance the EU official method, in: Olive Bioteq'18 - Olive Management, Biotechnology and Authenticity of Olive Products - BOOK OF ABSTRACTS, 2018(atti di: Olive Bioteq'18 - Olive Management, Biotechnology and Authenticity of Olive Products, Siviglia (Spagna), 15-19 ottobre 2018) [atti di convegno-poster]Open Access

El-Gharbi, S.; Tekaya, M.; Bendini, A.; Valli, E.; Palagano, R.; Gallina Toschi, T.; Hammami, M.; Mechri, B., Effects of archaic olive and oil storage methods still used in southern Tunisia on olive oil quality, «ITALIAN JOURNAL OF FOOD SCIENCE», 2018, 30, pp. 102 - 115 [articolo]Open Access

Enrico Casadei, Filippo Panni, Enrico Valli, Alessandra Bendini, Michele Gianelli, Diego Luis Garcia Gonzalez, Tullia Gallina Toschi, GC-IMS screening to cluster the sensory grades of virgin olive oils, in: 16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo. Book of Abstracts, 2018, pp. 271 - 271 (atti di: 16th Euro Fed Lipid Congress and Expo, Belfast, 16-19/09/2018) [atti di convegno-abstract]Open Access

Dinnella, Caterina; Monteleone, Erminio; Piochi, Maria; Spinelli, Sara; Prescott, John; Pierguidi, Lapo; Gasperi, Flavia; Laureati, Monica; Pagliarini, Ella; Predieri, Stefano; Torri, Luisa; Barbieri, Sara; Valli, Enrico; Bianchi, Piergiorgio; Braghieri, Ada; Del Caro, Alessandra; Di Monaco, Rossella; Favotto, Saida; Moneta, Elisabetta, Individual Variation in PROP Status, Fungiform Papillae Density, and Responsiveness to Taste Stimuli in a Large Population Sample, «CHEMICAL SENSES», 2018, 43, pp. 697 - 710 [articolo]Open Access

Valli E., Petracci M., Pezzolato M., Bozzetta E., Meat and meat products, in: Food Integrity Handbook, Nantes, Eurofins Analytics France, 2018, pp. 61 - 86 [capitolo di libro]

D. L. García González, T. Gallina Toschi, I. Romero, N. Tena, E. Valli, O. Winkelmann, P. Brereton, F. Lacoste, A. Maquet, S. Vichi, L. Conte, A. Bendini, Advances for a comprehensive evaluation of quality of virgin olive oil: in the search of reference materials, in: AA.VV., Book of abstracts, 2017, pp. 136 - 136 (atti di: 15th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Uppsala (Svezia), 27-30 Agosto 2017) [atti di convegno-abstract]Open Access

A. Klingberg, P. Wenig, E. Valli, L. Conte, A. Maquet, T. Gallina Toschi, Building an effective tool to support the quality control of olive oil: the OLEUM Databank, in: Book of abstracts, 2017, pp. 313 - 313 (atti di: 15th euro Fed Lipid Congress, Uppsala (Svezia), 27-30 Agosto 2017) [atti di convegno-abstract]Open Access

Nsir, A.; Taamalli, A.; Valli, E.; Bendini, A.; Gallina Toschi, T.; Zarrouk, M., Chemical Composition and Sensory Quality of Tunisian ‘Sayali’ Virgin Olive Oils as Affected by Fruit Ripening: Toward an Appropriate Harvesting Time, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS' SOCIETY», 2017, 94, pp. 913 - 922 [articolo]

L. Conte, P. Lucci, S. Moret, E. Moret, C. Conchione, E. Valli, A. Bendini, T. Gallina Toschi, Comparison between different norms (legal regulations, trade standard, and technical standards) dealing with olive oils purity and quality assessment, in: AA.VV., Book of abstracts, 2017, pp. 134 - 134 (atti di: 15th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Uppsala (Svezia), 27-30 Agosto 2017) [atti di convegno-abstract]

Toschi, Tullia Gallina*; Valli, Enrico; Conte, Lanfranco; González, Diego Luis García; Maquet, Alain; Brereton, Paul; Mcgrath, Nina; Celemín, Laura Fernández; Bendini, Alessandra, EU project OLEUM: Better solutions to protect olive oil quality and authenticity, «AGRO FOOD INDUSTRY HI-TECH», 2017, 28, pp. 2 - 3 [replica/breve intervento]Open Access

Hachicha Hbaieb, Rim; Kotti, Faten; Valli, Enrico; Bendini, Alessandra; Gallina Toschi, Tullia; Gargouri, Mohamed, Effect of Tunisian olive ripeness on endogenous enzymes and virgin olive oil phenolic composition, «JOURNAL OF FOOD COMPOSITION AND ANALYSIS», 2017, 62, pp. 43 - 50 [articolo]

Chtourou, Fatma; Valli, Enrico; Bendini, Alessandra; Lazzez, Aida; Gallina Toschi, Tullia; Bouaziz, Mohamed, Effects of Olive Trees Age on the Minor Components of Oueslati Virgin Olive Oils Produced from Olives Harvested at Different Ripening Degrees, «JOURNAL OF THE AMERICAN OIL CHEMISTS' SOCIETY», 2017, 94, pp. 435 - 447 [articolo]

Sara Barbieri; Enrico Valli; Alessandra Bendini; Ole Winkelmann; Florence Lacoste; Milena Bučar-Miklavčič; Karolina Brkić Bubola; Ummuhan Tibet; Diego Luis García González; Tullia Gallina Toschi, Flash gas chromatography electronic nose as a potential tool for rapid sensory screening of virgin olive oils, in: 15th Euro Fed Lipid Congress. Book of abstracts, 2017, pp. 137 - 137 (atti di: 15th Euro Fed Lipid Congress, Uppsala -Sweden, 27-30 august 2017) [atti di convegno-abstract]Open Access

Bendini, Alessandra; Vallverdú-Queralt, Anna; Valli, Enrico; Palagano, Rosa; Lamuela-Raventos, Rosa Maria; Gallina Toschi, Tullia, Italian and Spanish commercial tomato sauces for pasta dressing: Study of sensory and head-space profiles by Flash Profiling and solid-phase microextraction-gas chomatography-mass spectrometry, «JOURNAL OF THE SCIENCE OF FOOD AND AGRICULTURE», 2017, 97, pp. 3261 - 3267 [articolo]Open Access