Addessi, A.R., Pscheidt, J.F., Cardoso, Arts and childhood: Children's musical styles in a “reflexive” environment, «DEDICA», 2019, 16, pp. 109 - 127 [articolo]Open Access
Squillante, M., Addessi, A.R., Krkljus,Massa, L., D., Greydanus, M. Persico, C. Petrosino, L., Tronco, A., Giacintucci, M.,, Concerto dell'Ensemble Galanterie a Plettri, 2019. [performance]
Squillante, M., Addessi, A.R., Krkljus, D. Massa, L., Persico, C., Petrosino, L., Giacintuzzi, M. Tronco, A. Greydanus, M., Concerto dell'Ensemble Galanterie a Plettri alla Reggia di Caserta, 2019. [performance]
Addessi, A.R., Squillante, M., Krkljus, D., Divertimenti da Camera, 2019. [performance]
Ricciardi M., Addessi A.R., Mendes A., Early childhood music education in Italian School Programs: a historical approach, in: AA.VV., Counterpoints of the senses: bodily experiences in musical learning: MERYC Book of Abstracts, 2019, pp. 93 - 94 (atti di: MERYC2019. Counterpoints of the Senses. Bodily Experiences in Musical Learning., University of Ghent, 26-30 April 2019) [atti di convegno-abstract]Open Access
Jean Pscheidt, Rosane Cardoso de Araújo, Anna Rita Addessi, Interação reflexiva e a creatividade musical empática, in: Educação Musical. Creatividade e Motivação, Curitiba, Appris, 2019, pp. 161 - 182 [capitolo di libro]
Addessi, A.R., Keynote: Musical experience: An educational entitlement in inclusive contexts. The role of teachers/educators/social workers in promoting relational health, in: Music Education and Society: new challenges, new orientations. Proceedings of the 8th Conference of the GSME, Thessanoliki, Greek Society of Music Education, 2019, pp. 1 - 9 [capitolo di libro]
Squillante, M., Addessi, A.R., Krkljus, D., La musica fa storia. Divertimenti da camera. Concerto dei Solisti dell'Ensemble Galanterie a Plettri, 2019. [performance]
Mauro Squillante, Orlandi Ugo, Andrea Benucci, Anna Rita Addessi, Marta Marini, Luigi Gagliardi, Mandolini nella Firenze di fine Ottocento, 2019. [performance]
Luciana Hammond; ADDESSI, Perspectivas de alunos de Bacharelado em Piano quanto ao uso do software MIROR- Impro para desenvolvimento de improvisação, «ORFEU», 2019, 4, pp. 79 - 103 [articolo]Open Access
Friberg, Anders; Bisesi, Erica; Addessi, Anna Rita; Baroni, Mario, Probing the Underlying Principles of Perceived Immanent Accents Using a Modeling Approach, «FRONTIERS IN PSYCHOLOGY», 2019, 10, Article number: 1024, pp. 1 - 21 [articolo]Open Access
Ruolo editoriale nella rivista «Psychology of Music»
Coordinamento del progetto: STALWARTS – Sustaining Teachers and Learners with the Arts:
‘Relational Health in European Schools’.
Coordinamento del progetto: STALWART-Sustaining Teachers and Learners With the Arts: Relational Health in European Schools.
Gurioli Giulia, Ferrari L., Addessi A.R., Storytelling with the MIROR-platform in the Italian inclusive school, in: AA.VV., Counterpoints of the senses: bodily experiences in musical learning: MERYC19 Book of Abstracts, 2019, pp. 34 - 35 (atti di: MERYC2019. Counterpoints of the Senses. Bodily Experiences in Musical Learning, Ghent, University of Ghent, 26-30 April 2019) [atti di convegno-abstract]Open Access