Improved orthopaedic device

The invention allows to obtain some solutions of internal prostheses of knee. The proposed solutions allows on one hand a simple constructive realization and on the other the use of less expensive materials than the current prosthesis.

Patent title Improved orthopaedic device
Thematic area Health
Inventors Fabio Catani, Vincenzo Parenti Castelli, Alberto Leardini, Nicola Sancisi
Protection Italy, China, Hong Kong, Switzerland
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Equivalent mechanisms, Conjugated surfaces, Rolling, Spherical motion, Knee
Filed on 08 May 2009

Surfaces said “articular” are in contact in joints. The relative motion between them is defined by a relative motion of rolling and by a relative motion of sliding between the joint surfaces. The relative motion is guaranteed by joint structures such as ligaments, muscles and cartilaginous structures deputies, in particular, to maintain the relative position between the joint surfaces. As a result of various diseases the articular surfaces can degenerate and the functionality shall be replaced using internal prosthesis.

The invention describe some realizations of internal prosthesis of knee. The proposed solutions allow to monitor the relative movement of the femur and tibia in a strictly and therefore very faithful way to the natural movement, which is not achievable by the majority of implants currently on the market based on the execution of the movement on residual anatomical structures (after surgery insertion of the prosthetic implant). The principle of operation of the proposed solutions allows on one hand a simple constructive realization and on the other the use of less expensive materials than the current prosthesis. This allows greater ease of production and lower costs.

  • Better reproduction of joint motion compared to current devices;    
  • Lower number of parts to build the device compared to current devices (technically easier).
Page published on: 30 September 2014