Innovative device for CO2 conversion

The developed system can be used to convert CO2 into fuels with particular applications in the “hard to abate” processes.

Patent title Rivestimenti catalitici a base di idrossidi doppi a strato contenenti: Cu, Mg e Al, ottenibili per via elettrochimica, per impieghi quali la riduzione elettrochimica dell’anidride carbonica
Thematic area Bioeconomy, Agriculture and Environment
Inventors Erika Scavetta, Federica Mariani, Andrea Fasolini, Martina Serafini, Domenica Tonelli, Francesco Basile
Protection Italy, with the possibility to extend internationally
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords CO2 electroreduction, LDH, Acetic acid, Nanostructured catalyst, Ethanol
Filed on 16 December 2022

The goal of mitigating the amount of CO2 by converting it into high added-value products, such as chemicals, is an increasingly pressing need. Among these, acetic acid and ethanol represent two of the main products of interest. Nowadays, there is the possibility of obtaining such products through an approach capable of combining the direct conversion of a greenhouse gas with the use of low-cost materials, which can work at atmospheric temperature and pressure and with low energy supply. In this regard, the liquid phase electrochemical reduction using copper-based catalysts represents a valid option.

The innovation consists of systems based on copper-containing layered double hydroxides supported on carbonaceous gas diffusion membranes for the liquid phase electrochemical reduction of carbon dioxide. During the process, the basic nature of the LDH material allows carbon dioxide to be preferably adsorbed on the surface of the catalyst, where the active sites of copper catalyse its reduction by applying a sufficient potential. By exploiting the different properties of the LDH, it was possible to obtain a production of acetic acid much higher than the state of the art.


  • Capture and use of CO2 outgoing from industrial plants
  • Capture and use of atmospheric CO2


  • High production efficiency
  • Low energy input
  • Use of low-cost materials
Page published on: 17 December 2022