Innovative sanitiser based on natural antimicrobials with high anti-biofilm activity

Innovative sanitiser based on natural antimicrobials and other ingredients, applicable for sanitisation within the food industry and characterised by high efficacy against biofilms of Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli.

Patent title Sanitising composition for the treatment of surfaces in the food industry and cleaning method using this sanitising composition
Thematic area Bioeconomy, Agriculture and Environment
Inventors Lorenzo Siroli, Lucia Vannini, Francesca Patrignani, Rosalba Lanciotti, Davide Gottardi
Protection Italy, with possible international extension
Licensing status Available for development, option, licence and other valorisation agreements
Keywords Sanitisation, food industry, natural antimicrobials, antibiofilm
Filed on 31 August 2023

The invention, realised in agreement with the company AEB SpA, was developed thanks to the inventors' solid expertise in the field of the activity and mechanisms of action of natural antimicrobials towards pathogenic and degrading microorganisms present in the food industry. The inventors' background is documented by numerous scientific publications on the subject.

The innovative sanitiser developed exhibits high antimicrobial activity against biofilms of Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli, aspects of great interest to the food industry given the problems associated with the difficult eradication of microbial biofilms. Furthermore, the sanitiser proved effective on different surfaces used in food industry processing environments such as steel, ceramics and Teflon. Finally, the development of a sanitiser, whose active ingredients are antimicrobial molecules of plant origin, represents a more sustainable and environmentally friendly innovation than the currently used chemical-based solutions.

The invention finds application mainly but not exclusively in the agri-food sector. 

The advantages of the invention are:

- Plant-based product with antimicrobials approved by EFSA for application in food, with high environmental sustainability

- Reduction of cellular load of mature biofilms of Listeria monocytogenes and Escherichia coli

- Reduction of cross-contamination risks in the food industry

- Reduction of water consumption throughout the washing and sanitising cycle

- High compatibility for use in the food industry, particularly in the fruit, vegetable and meat processing sectors

- Increased efficacy compared to conventional chemical disinfectants on the market

Page published on: 18 September 2023