Wet filter for fine particulate

The invention relates to a wet filter, to be deployed both on industrial and domestic boilers, for the separation of fine particulates present in the gases deriving from the biomass combustion.

Patent title Method and apparatus for separating particulate composition carried by a gaseous stream
Thematic area Industry, Digital and Security
Inventors Cesare Saccani, Augusto Bianchini
Protection Italy, Europe, USA, Canada
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Fine particulate, Biomass combustion, Domestic boilers, Industrial boilers, Emissions
Filed on 11 April 2018

Domestic boilers are characterized by low combustion efficiency and are not managed optimally, resulting in high emissions of particulate matter into the atmosphere which makes them one of the main causes of exceeding the emission limits in many Italian and European cities.

The presence of fine dust in the atmosphere causes the impossibility to install industrial filtration technologies in residential applications because these technologies have too high investment, management, energy, and maintenance costs.

Many Italian and European cities faces issues related to excessive particulate emission in the atmosphere, caused by the use of domestic boilers, which are characterized by low combustion yields and the high emission of particulates. The proposed invention comprise a wet filter consisting of a generator of droplets suitable for the separation of fine powders transported by a gaseous stream. Deployed on the output of the particulate-emitting device, such as a biomass boiler, it allows filtering the particulate contained in the exhaust gas, with extremely high efficiency.


Plants, including domestic boilers, requiring higher filtration ratio, without having to install an industrial filter.


  • low energy consumption;
  • possibility of tailoring;
  • high level of separation efficiency.
Page published on: 08 May 2018