Diagnosis of non-celiac gluten sensitivity

A novel diagnosis of gluten sensitivity not associated with celiac disease (Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity, NCGS) in patients who have typical celiac disease symptoms and take advantage of a gluten-free diet, while the presence of celiac disease or wheat allergy is excluded.

Patent title Method and kit for diagnosing non celiac gluten sensitivity
Thematic area Health
Ownership ALMA MATER STUDIORUM - UNIVERSITA' DI BOLOGNA, Azienda Ospedaliera- Universitaria di Bologna Policlino S. Orsola- Malpighi
Inventors CESARE CREMON, Marianna Mastroroberto, Maria Raffaella Barbaro, Giovanni Barbara, Umberto Volta, Antonio Maria Morselli Labate, Vincenzo Stanghellini
Protection Europe, USA
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Non-Celiac Gluten Sensitivity (NCGS), Diagnosis, Gluten, Symptoms questionnaire
Filed on 06 December 2017

NCGS is a syndrome characterized by gastrointestinal and extra-gastrointestinal symptoms related to the ingestion of gluten-containing foods. NCGS is difficult and time-consuming to diagnose. Based on a Symptom Questionnaire and two simple laboratory serological tests, the developed method is able to distinguish the NCGS, not only from healthy subjects but also from other diseases that may occur with similar symptoms, such as irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and celiac disease.

The method’s strengths is enabling an objective diagnosis, contrariwise to the current subjective diagnosis based exclusively on the symptoms reported by patients. The method is also able to legitimize a condition that at present is considered to be of little clinical dignity despite a very large number of patients affected by it (0.6% -6% of the population).


  • NCGS diagnosis impartiality;
  • NCGS diagnosis made quick;
  • NCGS condition’s legitimization;
  • Opportunity to develop a screening tool;
  • Opportunity to develop an app



  • Diagnostic Sector;
  • Decision making support system to doctors regarding the diagnosis


Page published on: 18 December 2017