Snail slime based polymer films

The invention refers to novel films based on natural and/or semi-synthetic polymers containing snail slime, to be applied on skin, mucosae or nails, for applications in cosmetics, pharmaceutics and veterinary.

Patent title Polymer films comprising material secreted by gastropods
Thematic area Health
Inventors Luisa Stella Dolci, Silvia Panzavolta, Beatrice Albertini, Nadia Passerini
Protection International
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Snail slime, Film, Plaster, Patch
Filed on 02 April 2019

The innovative films are obtained by solvent casting of a solution containing snail slime in appropriate concentrations mixed with polymeric solutions. Renowned for its functional properties, the snail slime reduces rigidity and fragility of the films, while drastically enhancing film ductility, flexibility, stretching and adhesiveness. Consequently, the fruit of the research is extremely versatile and adaptable to the different applications it was designed for.

The final product is an adhesive film for mucosae, skin (patch-non patch) or nails which does not release microplastics in the environment unlike other existing solutions on the market. In addition, films containing snail slime are edible and thus suitable for applications in food packaging.


  • Cosmetics, e.g. anti-cellulite bandages, anti-wrinkle and moisturizing films, anti-aging and anti-stretch mark treatments;
  • Pharmaceutics, e.g.healing patches/films, antibacterial, antifungal, anesthetics drugs and painkillers.
  • Food, e.g. food packaging


  • Easy scaling up of the method;
  • No solvents used other than water;
  • Basic matrix versatility for a specific use;
  • Green solution preventing from microplastics release in environment;
  • Fully biodegradable.

The group of inventors will be present at SMAU taking place in Milano on 22-24th of October showcasing their prototypes.

Page published on: 14 October 2019