Shock-adsorbing device for helmets

Innovative system for helmets characterized by a shock-adsorbing device able to minimize perpendicular and tangential impacts that cause rotational accelerations, responsible for concussions.

Patent title Shock-adsorbing device for helmets and relative helmet
Thematic area Industry, Digital and Security
Inventors Martino Colonna, Mariafederica Parisi, Giuseppe La Fauci
Protection International (PCT)
Licensing status Optioned
Keywords Motorcycle helmets, Bike helmets, Safety, Tangential impacts, Rotational acceleration, Concussion, Dilatant fluids, Non-Newtonian fluids
Filed on 10 August 2021

Cycle/motorcycle market is characterized by continuous expansion and innovation. However this evolution does not concern the protection systems for drivers.

It is well known that non-Newtonian fluids, and in particular those with dilating behavior, are able to dissipate the energy of the impacts and they can be mixed with polymeric foams to produce individual protection systems, such as back protector or kneepad. These systems are not able to use efficently the characteristics of non-Newtonian fluids and they fail to have an effective damping of tangential impacts.

The patented technology consists of a closed system in which a rigid part is free to move in three directions, within a fluid that is confined thanks to an elastic gasket. This rigid component can have different shapes and it allows to mixime the shear and compression stress during movement and therefore to absorb a greater amount of energy during the impact compared to devices currently on the market.


  • System for sport helmets


  • Better absorption of perpendicular and tangential impacts
  • Reduction of the risk of brain injuries following falls and bumps
Page published on: 16 February 2021