Halide sensor for environmental and diagnostic applications

The invention allows the detection of halids in waters, grounds and biological fluids (such as in sweat for cystic fibrosis).

Patent title Organic electrochemical transistor based on conductive polymer and Ag, AgX (X - Cl, I, Br) halide nanoparticles, as chemical sensor
Thematic area Bioeconomy, Agriculture and Environment
Inventors Erika Scavetta, Isacco Gualandi, Beatrice Fraboni
Protection Italy, France, Germany, United Kingdom, USA
Licensing status Available for development agreements, option, license and other exploitation agreements
Keywords Organic Electrochemical Transistor (OECT), AgX nanoparticles, Conducting polymer, Electrochemical sensor, Biofluids analysis, Liquids analysis
Filed on 09 May 2017

Organic-based electrochemical transistors (OECT) are used in science for the development of innovative chemical sensors that combine electrochemical signal transduction with its intrinsic amplification. These features allow OECTs to record bio-chemical signals in vitro and in vivo with high performance. The structure of the OECT is such as to allow their realization based entirely on the use of polymeric materials (including electrodes). For these reasons, OECTs have been used for the manufacture of electronic devices printed on fabric, and also in this case the main applications concern the development of sensors.

The invention refers to a new material that allows the creation of a two-terminal electrochemical sensor that maintains the transduction and amplification capabilities of a three-terminal transistor. The material can be designed to be sensitive to various anions such as chlorides, bromides, iodides, and sulphides present in the liquid under test. These innovative materials can be printed on various substrates such as glass, plastic and fabric, opening the doors to new types of sensors not achievable with traditional technologies, for example fully implemented inside a fabric or garment.


The main applications envisaged are the creation of portable and / or wearable sensors whose reading electronics can be easily combined with a smartphone, in the biomedical and environmental fields. For example, a sensor has already been made consisting of a cotton thread covered with the sensitive material, whose performance is comparable or superior to traditional electrochemical devices.


  • conformable, flexible and easily miniaturized device
  • device capable of operating at low voltage (<1 V) and low absorbed power;
  • device adaptable to any substrate, e.g. plastic, glass, textile;
  • biocompatible, disposable, low cost disposable device;
  • low cost and "green" manufacturing process;
  • electrical signal recorded with simple and low-cost reading electronics
Page published on: 16 November 2017