Laurea Magistrale (Second cycle degree/Two year Master - 120 ECTS) in Sociology and Social Work

A.Y. 2024/2025 |Cod. 8786

  • Place of teaching

    Campus Bologna

  • Language


  • Degree Programme Class

    LM-87 - Social services and policies
    LM-88 - Sociology and social research

  • Type of access

    Open access with assessment of personal competencies

  • International Programmes

    Double/Multiple degree


  • Proposed paths (Curricula)

Why choose this programme

  1. You will acquire skills from a multidisciplinary perspective for the professions of Specialist Sociologist and Specialist Social Worker

  2. You will acquire and consolidate skills in the critical analysis of emerging social phenomena and in the design of social policies and interventions

  3. You will undertake multiple international experiences (double degree Bielefeld University, Erasmus, Overseas, thesis and internships abroad)

  4. You will gain internship experience in a variety of institutions and organisations, where you will deal with several professional and research fields

  5. You will become part of an inclusive community open to dialogue and exchange

When you can attend the degree programme

At the moment there are no new open day

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