Laurea (First cycle degree/Bachelor - 180 ECTS) in Imaging and Radiotherapy techniques

A.Y. 2024/2025 |Cod. 6063 | Qualifying programmes

  • Duration

    3 years

  • Place of teaching

    Campus Bologna

  • Language


  • Degree Programme Class

    L/SNT3 - Technical Health Professions

  • Type of access

    Restricted access at national level - local exam (50 places available)

Why choose this programme

  1. Become a professional with advanced skills capable of providing an essential service to individuals and the community.

  2. Enrich your career profile with a variety of imaging diagnostics skills, including: MRI, MN, Radiotherapy, CT and compliance with codes of ethics.

  3. Interdisciplinary approach includes both classroom instruction and internships leading to professional qualification, permitting synergic skill development.

  4. Opportunity for international internships under the Erasmus programme to broaden your horizons.

  5. The programme has a 100% student satisfaction rate. It is a dynamic, high-tech programme, attentive and sensitive to people's needs.

When you can attend the degree programme

At the moment there are no new open day

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